Friday 17 February 2023

hustle dan overwork bukan budaya kita

Tapi budaya kita adalah making sure we are noticed.

Kalo kalian tau, kenapa sampe ada istilah 'hustle culture' itu adalah karena semakin banyak FENOMENA KERJA LEMBUR YANG DIROMANTISASI di media sosial dan channel komunikasi lainnya. Yes, kalo mau fokus pada konteksnya, bagaimana akhirnya fenomena ini dicap jadi budaya ya banyak yang pamer bahwa mereka lagi qerka qeras bagai quda. Okay maaf bukan pamer tapi sharing dan berbagi keadaan mereka yang sedang bekerja, dan terkadang dibumbui dengan ekspresi suka duka dalam pekerjaan mereka.

Bagi yang menganggap ini hal baik, ya akhirnya masuk kaum glorifier of hustle culture. Bagi yang menganggap ini hal buruk, ya bisa mulai bilang ini toxic culture dan berdampak negatif.

Di satu sisi mengangkat the idea of kerja keras, kerja smart, kegigihan, kecintaan pada kerjaan, passionate worker, dedikasi tinggi, profesionalisme, disiplin dan integritas, atau mental dan etos kerja bagus, dan hal positif lainnya deh.

Sisi ini biasanya menjadikan successful figures sebagai idol, role model atau panutan yang menjadi contoh bahwa kerja keras = sukses. Seleb, businessman, sampe ke pedangang kecil yang sekarang punya ratusan franchise, jadi ikon kesuksesan yang dijasosiasikan dengan kerja keras.

Sementara di sisi lain, bekerja disebut overwork, overwhelming and draining, nggak work-life balance, toxic working cycle, unhealthy lifestyle, depressing and stressful work, dan hal lainnya yang berdampak buruk secara fisik, mental, sosial dan finansial.

Kaum ini, biasanya mengangkat data dan penelitian ilmiah maupun sosial tentang akibat overwork dan ketidakseimbangan antara kerja dan 'hidup'. Ada juga yang mengangkat beberapa kasus kematian pekerja akibat minuman energi atau depresi akibat pekerjaannya. Apapun deh yang bisa membuktikan bahwa kerja (terlalu) keras itu membunuhmu.

Mari kita bahas secara etimologis dulu soal hustle culture. Budaya itu diambil dari bahasa Sansekerta yang artinya bisa kamu cari sendiri. Jadi kalo hustle atau kerja keras itu dibilang budaya, apakah sudah tepat? Menurut kamu gimana?

Kedua, definisi kerja keras itu apa sih?
Ada yang bilang "don't work hard, work smart" lah itu 2 hal yang bahkan bisa 2 semester sendiri pembahasan maknanya. Belum lagi subjektivitas tiap individu dalam memaknai dan menjalani yang namanya "kerja keras".

Either way,
Menurutku segitu gedenya lho dampak popularitas istilah 'hustle culture' sampe sekarang banyak perusahaan yang concerned dengan work life balance karyawannya sampe employer branding mereka juga isinya menjual 'karyawan kami bahagia lho kerja bersama kami' seolah generasi jaman now mencari kerjaan yang "membahagiakan". Padahal kemudian dikaitkan bahwa karyawan bahagia = karyawan produktif = karyawan yang memberi profit. Eh tapi iya ya, kita semua mau kan kerja bahagia?

Jaman dulu, orang tua kita juga kerja keras bukan? Tapi kenapa istilah hustle culture baru ada sekarang?

Karena kita sangat sering sharing tentang kerjaan kita yang dinilai keras sehingga persepsi audiens kita jadi terbentuk sesuai dengan apa yang kita cerminkan di platform dan kanal sosial kita.

Semua karena media massa & media sosial yang berhasil driving the public sphere and public mind about hustle culture and its impact towards the society.

Unik bukan?!

You can click on each word or phrase with hyperlink!

Tuesday 14 February 2023

I literally stopped breastfeeding my baby when I wrote this

 Terganggu banget dengan beberapa orang yang menyebutkan dan mengaitkan Fortuner atau Pajero dengan arogansi. KARENA NGGAK ADA HUBUNGANNYA.

When someone is driving, they legally need and must pass the driving test. Which most Indonesians easily get through jalur 'nembak'. This is a serious issue, as driving is a dangerous type of activity especially kalo dilakukan di jalan raya dengan banyak pengguna jalan lainnya terlibat di jalan tersebut. 

First thing first, psikologi dan mental seseorang adalah faktor utama dalam mengendarai mobil/motor. YES, psikologi dan mental. Dua hal yang sangat manusiawi banget dan bahkan ada studi dan expertnya sendiri. PLUS psikologis dan mental seseorang dalam mengendarai kendaraan bermotor. DOUBLE TROUBLE.

Saat acquiring driving license, di Eropa bahkan syarat SEBELUM kemampuan tes menyetir adalah MEDICAL REQUIREMENT. Artinya, seseorang harus sehat dan waras secara fisik dan mental untuk MEMILIKI driving license. Let alone driving a car.

That's the main issue dengan arogansi yang akhirnya ditunjukkan oleh para pengendara motor atau mobil di SELURUH BAGIAN DUNIA saat sedang di belakang kemudi dalam berbagai kondisi dan waktu. Mau mobilnya mewah atau angkot dan becak sekalipun, seseorang yang psikologis dan mentalnya tidak bisa dikontrol dengan baik akan berakibat buruk bagi dirinya sendiri dan orang di sekitarnya. Apalagi yang sambil mabuk, under influence of alcohol, drugs and medicine.

So please, stop generalising and relating between car (brands and types) with the driver's behaviour. And leave the brand alone! LOL. Bedakan antara:

1. Mampu membeli mobil

2. Mampu memiliki mobil

3. Mampu mengendarai mobil


4. Mampu mengontrol emosi saat mengendarai mobil DI JALANAN.

Kalo di jalanan, you have to follow the rules. Remember that the road belongs to many people, not only you. Even bom bom car aja ada peraturannya kan: wear your safety belt, if you're feeling unwell then don't drive, also mind the object around you. Because that's the basic.

Last but not least, the recent issue about an incident in Senopati, Jakarta, the media and many more news outlets, including social media are discussing this in many many perspectives and opinion. Keep your mind opened and CONDUCT THE MEDIA AND DIGITAL LITERACY!

Be mindful!


Friday 25 November 2022

You Matter

 Dear Self

You matter. You play an important role in this life, and you are important to some individuals. Not a few people are expecting and hoping a lot from you. You have to stay sane and you have to stay strong. You are the place to go for your kids, you are the core of their education. You are awaited and anticipated.

No matter how painful days can be, or saddening situation might be. No matter how hard tasks hit you, and no matter how bitter life can turn, you have to stand up and stand still. Rest your problems and thoughts to Allah. Let shalah and sabr be your rescue in any situation. Don't stop believing that Allah listens, He forgives and He loves you.

Remember, whatever happens, you have to remain resilient, persistent and sane.

That's the key.

best regards


Wednesday 16 November 2022

The Day You Said I Love You but in Foreign Language

You are the luckiest, because I speak Foreign Language. I absolutely know and understand the language you speak, and though conflict happened, it wasn't because I didn't understand it, but because I chose to be angry instead of accepting.

But last night was special. You said "I love you" in Foreign Language, which I think you think I don't know, or I don't care. But I know, and it means so much to me. The more special thing was it happened during my sober time, I wasn't asleep or unconscious, I was fully awake and in my brain's primetime.

Of course I still dislike quite some things and moment. But dislike-ness isn't my priority these days, I have selected the best emotions and managed the best reaction and action towards all situation by realising that we can always CHOOSE how to behave. I can always CHOOSE to stay quiet or to speak up. I can always CHOOSE to start and respond the conflict or sit down and watch.

Yes, I occasionally love watching failures, especially by the result of my non-preference. I enjoy it and I treasure it. Not because I am mean, but I basically enjoy every moment in this life. Where it doesn't always go your way, but you can always have a way to embrace it.

Go through it. Someday you will understand why it happened.

Friday 4 November 2022

Let Me Blog You

I was wrong to think that this is the safe space I could talk about you or anything else that I can't express in person. I was completely wrong to think that you wouldn't find me here. I was, of course, wrong to think that I went unnoticed.

You are one of the things I think about before I sleep almost every night. Just almost, because one or two nights, my mind couldn't occupy more than the exhaustion of adoring you. Yes, to you, perhaps I don't exist. Or maybe I don't read it well to realise that I am meant to go unnoticed anyway.

The expectation kills, they say, and I believe them. Yet, I don't find anything more reasonable than having and expectation to go through day by day in my life. Expecting and hoping you would finally see, or realise, or sense, or,,, ah, it's just an expectation. Yes it kills.

So let me blog you, to keep myself reminded one day why I put up with insanity of watching and loving you from distance. Only a slight faith, but it's more than enough, to feed my ego and to fulfil my need of strength. Each day.

Each day.
Each day of watching you, praying for you, dreaming you sometimes, and each day of killing myself with an expectation.

So let me blog you, to remind you too, that if you ever found me, in darkness or in brightness, I am the one who holds the slight faith for your love.
So let me blog you, so you know that you are so missed, so longed and so craved. By an entity like me.
So let me blog you, so you know that you are precious and awaited.

And let me blog you, so the world can always access my deepest feelings about you, and how a slight faith can fuel up my desperation, loneliness and empty dreams.