Thursday, 29 December 2016

Catatan Akhir Tahun

This is the time if my blog. Yes, I WILL NEVER forget writing catatan akhir tahun section every year. Like I might be lousy in keeping it straight to write every month, but every year? NO REASON TO NOT WRITE! Especially 2016 is a turning year for me and my life. Here we go!

January 2016
We flew from Hong Kong and leaving ourselves amazed by how we have changed our status from being married to being very married to our late honeymoon which then turned out to be a babymoon. I went back to work and my husband worked for my dad for a while. At the end of January we went for another trip to Singapore, initially to company him watching the concert that was cancelled lol, so it was just another escape.

February 2016
In where I was sitting, Centre for ASEAN PR Studies, was surely the best I have ever sat on since my arrival in LSPR Jakarta. I work with amazing people and a very enjoyable pace. We did great things together. Getting pregnant was not a big deal with this kind of job I had this time, I really enjoyed my pregnancy, with supportive people and environment.

March 2017
I started to implement the programme CAPRS have planned, and it was so exciting because I got to see many exciting people and experience networking in another level. Oh God this was really the best time of my career so far. I have also planned a few more things about my baby and the delivery, as well as the hospital booking, consulting etc. I could not wait!! And this was the month my husband started his certification programme, he wanted to be a personal trainer. Nothing I could do but to support him.

April 2017
The pregnancy was getting and getting closer to the date and I was very very nervous yet excited. We went to Cipanas with Eqi's friends to get a refreshment, and we did. It was a quick yet fun escape, continued by a visit from my mom in law for a quick meeting. CAPRS continued the fun programme and it wasn't that hard or burdening while I was pregnant.

May 2017
THIS IS THE MONTH! The life changing month and moment of my life, Skylar was born. All the drama about labour, giving names, going home after labour, it was all so exhilarating. Now I have a baby, an angel to keep me strong and happy. Skylar. My life revolves around her and her only. Here also started the three months maternity leave and I enjoyed it so much spending time with my baby.

June 2017
Being a mom means being a button; I have to hold everything together. It wasn't that easy, but the hardship was worth the effort. I felt so satisfied for managing to breastfeed my baby and take care of her the best I could even though I'm not perfect. Motherhood is really a huge thing, I pumped, I stayed awake, I poured my love and attention to Skylar and Skylar only. This is amazing to see her first month excelling so good and healthy. People are also kind and caring, they visited me, the gave me and Skylar gifts and many other attention I didn't deserve but I got. I was so happy.

July 2017
Of course I broke down many times, I don't know if it's the baby blues or hormones, or anything other than that I really don't know. What I know is sometimes I feel so bad, lousy, powerless, useless and having no clue. Those times were the moments Skylar showed me that I am stronger than I though, and I have to be strong for her. It's amazing to actually feel that someone NEEDS YOU THAT BAD, that Skylar relies on my strength to feed  and nurse her. It is really everything in the world that makes me a human, motherhood. I managed to make Skylar a passport because we have plan a trip to SG later for her dad to find a job there. We also took Skylar to see her granddad for the first time in Cimanggis.

August 2017
Skylar's third month was immaculate. She's healthy, pretty and all I could think of is to spoil and play with her until I realise 22 August is my return to the office and go back to being a working mom. I pumped in the office and every single time I pump, I feel like I'm missing my puzzle peace. Yes, to milk a machine is so bad compared to milking Skylar directly, but what choices do I have? So I tried to enjoy my return. I had a summer class with international students, and I always enjoy teaching National Heroism to these kids in English. Another thing to mark is my brother's marriage. It was very simple yet meaningful. I couldn't believe he was getting married and how fast time flies. I wish him a happy life with his wife.

September 2017
Skylar first flight!!! It was so challenging yet fun. Skylar had so much fun visiting her oma and my mum also enjoyed our trip. We also celebrated Skylar's aunty, Vanessa, birthday with her friends. I became a speaker in an international conference and it was so great! I had a great moment sharing my knowledge and experience with strangers, what an achievement :D Also to mark my age turning 28, OMG I AM SO OLD. I took a long time thinking what I have done and what my plans are for myself and my family. I think this month was quite a reflection and evaluation moment after passing several life changing phases; being a mom, a wife, a working mom, a long distance marriage wife, and many more life drama.

October 2017
This month was a career month to me! I went back on stage as a moderator for CAPRS event with great speakers that I arranged. I also received flowers from my students as an apology of being late, I think it was very touchy that they think that way. I taught new subject this semester; communication persuasion, and shout out to my students PR18 classes!!! XX I am super proud of you guys! Thank you for making my life even more meaningful by having you this semester. I also started wearing hijab this month!!! I know hijrah is never that easy, but I don't know why this time I barely feel anything hard, at all. My husband is very supportive, so is my family and colleagues. I enjoyed the changing so much, thank God!

November 2017
Another life changing month; Skylar got sick and hospitalised. I was more than thrilled and horrified by her condition. Her dad had to fly back home to company me at the hospital taking care of my little poor Skylar who got dengue fever. It was a tiring and sad week, but I was thankful I had that moment at some points, it taught me to be strong and to spend more time with my baby. Skylar was then flu after 3 days in the hospital, but she went okay after all. I know she is a strong girl.

December 2017
ANYER TRIP! BANDUNG TRIP! Such a beautiful year end treat for us three. I think that this year is mostly about family, yet I couldn't get enough of them yet. I asked my hubby if he can find any job around, as I am thinking to resign from the office life here and take part time class instead. There are many many things I have to consider and be careful of. Life is not getting easier, but surely I have to be stronger than before, than anything. for my Skylar and my family.

You know, wind will always come and go, to break me and to push me forward. I just need to control myself and be in a good way about it.

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

The Blogging Blogger

I sorta lost my old Blogger app on my iPhone. It just crashed and I decided to uninstall that one. I downloaded the new one and this one is paid. I haven't decided whether I have to buy it or not but I will after I try this post for free.

I think lately I haven't been too much in writing because of laziness and busy-ness. You know, baby, work drama, family matters, and other distraction. 

Here comes December again and I surely will write more (I know this is what I've been saying over and over again but I never walk the talk, shameful) especially for Catatan Akhir Tahun. I will NEVER miss Catatan Akhir Tahun as it's my refletion.

There are also some stories I would like to cover in a few other posts. Bear with me.