Thursday 30 May 2019


Tapi aku belum pernah se-lega ini nggak nerima apapun di bulan Ramadhan menjelang Idul Fitri. Tahun sebelumnya, let's say sejak 2013, I have always RECEIVED A LOT, literally. THR, bingkisan, makanan, parsel, you name it. It was massive.

Tahun ini, blank. Cuma 1 parsel, itupun sifatnya rutinitas. 1 toples kue, itupun sifatnya 'sekalian thank you' dari seseorang yang pernah aku tolong. But then I feel so grateful this year, more grateful than the previous years.

Sebagai orang yang percaya bahwa 'memberi itu lebih baik daripada menerima' tentunya aku seneng banget, berarti Allah sudah tidak menganggap aku di level 'penerima' lagi, melainkan aku selalu di posisi 'pemberi'. Ma sha Allah. seneng banget. Ngitungin berkat tahun ini sejak lahiran Karim tahun lalu... Ya Allah kok nggak ada habisnya ya? Anak-anak sehat, keluarga sehat, Sky bisa sekolah, Karim imunisasi full, berhenti kerja full time tapi duit tetep lancar. Ma sha Allah, kebangetan kalo sampe aku ngeluh karena nggak dapet parsel. Which surprisingly aku malah lega.

Dengan nggak nerima parsel, aku seneng juga karena artinya aku dibebaskan dari orang-orang yang (harus) ngasih aku. Padahal aku-nya nggak minta or berharap. Ini berarti aku membebaskan juga orang dari rasa 'harus ngasih parsel ke Novel nih' or so. Ya seneng dong, imagine kalo semua orang harus spend a few hundred K for me padahal bisa dialokasikan ke yang lebih mereka (atau orang lain) butuhkan? Berarti aku membebaskan mereka dari kewajiban padaku, as what I've seen from some people yang memang ngasih parselnya karena 'agenda tahunan' dan bukan bersifat tulus atau perhatian. Well, this isn't entirely wrong, but this affects me if turns out someone gave me something because THEY HAD TO, not because they cared and wanted to. So these people,,, seneng banget I can help people indirectly.

Nggak munafik, sosial itu penuh hukum timbal balik. What you give is what you get. Kalo tahun ini aku nggak dapet parsel, artinya mungkin aku kurang ngasih parsel juga ke orang lain. Bisa jadi. Aku nggak boleh deny that there is a possibility. Do you know why? Karena I have to admit perhaps I haven't given so much this year, and this means I have to give more next yeaar! This gives me a reflecting effect of how I've perhaps forgotten the sense of having workmates. Also I felt guilty for not giving much to those whom I've wanted to give something to. Okay gotta save more!!

It's plural; hampers. It's from The Kindest; God. It's something absolute; His Promise. Nggak sedikitpun aku sedih, bahkan aku sebenernya seneng karena tahun ini Allah held everything duniawi to save me much better gifts in the future. Faith. It's faith that keeps me sane, happy and pretty. Dan janji Allah itu pasti.

Sharing sekedar sharing, biar yang baca dapet insight betapa pemberian dunia itu nggak ada artinya dibanding permberian dari Sang Pencipta; kesehatan, keluarga, jiwa yang waras, hidup yang overall happy, dan iman. ALHAMDULILLAH.

Thursday 16 May 2019

My Name is Summer (by Yusuf)

It's been a while I haven't written any poem, probably because I lost my sense of art. Believe me, when reality hits very hard, you lost most of your beautiful creative self. Or at least, that's what has caused me not writing anything since last month.

Celebrating Summer, here is the poem written by Yusuf.


My name means people getting having lots of fun on the golden, yellow beaches.
My name stands for the longest holiday of fun,  where anyone can do anything.
My name is white clouds being as fluffy as scrumptious tasty candy floss.

My name will mean the taste of delicious, cold ice cream.

My name stands for hard-working bees making yummy honey.
My name means the bright, yellow sun keeping humans warm.

My name is known for wonderful, wet, water fights.

My name means the sky aquamarine sky as blue as the ocean.
My name reminds people about how spectacular it is outside.

My name stands for vibrant, colourful flowers, everywhere like leaves in Autumn.

My name will mean many different types of amazing insects.
My name is known for bright light green grass tickling people.

My name is Summer.

I hope you have an amazing Summer!