Jarang-jarang nih gue posting soal hal yang agak bener, padahal isinya juga tetep sampahan, tapi kayaknya this one has to be documented at some point other than my Twitter dashing.
So these days I've been slightly tuning into the telly again just because my dad loves telly so much that each time we hang out in the dining room or anywhere, he always turns the telly on. From what I slightly saw, of course other than the rubbish sinetron and other contents, I realised the raised of Youtube and Twitter and other social media contents from citizens becoming the contents of the telly.
For instance, news programme who displays 'people's opinion' by showing their tweets (whether they mention the telly account or not). Well, kalo framing sudah jelas lah ya tidak terelakkan twitnya siapa ngomongin apa yang dicapture dan dibacakan oleh newsanchor, tapi yang menarik adalah: secara keseluruhan, ini program berita ngga punya konten coy! cuma punya headline yang disebutin di awal acara dan dipost di socmed mereka, trus rakyat jelata pada bercuap dan jadi konten mereka!!!
On one hand, I think it's a smart move, cheap and smart. You only need to set the idea, you've got the coverage already and taa daa, you have the free content from people to people (oh so democracy). You even look very neutral and aspiring the people. You contain people's thought and you grab opinions efficiently. Editorial-perspective, well, less and more work at the same time when it comes to sharing rakyat jelata's thoughts on social media, and moving them to a broadcasted platform OOUCH....
On the other hand, this is feeding people reluctant and provoking news, I think. I might be wrong in this, but making stupid people famous is so not wise for mainstream media like telly. Indonesians have reached the moment where what your friends (and fave people) are saying is truer and more agreeable than what strangers (even experts) are saying. REGARDING MOSTLY EVERY ISSUE. Name it: politic, culture, new songs, films, cosmetics, food, hang out place, brands, street report! Therefore what so called HOAX is now harder to identify and to avoid. It takes beyond media literacy when it comes to seeing and believing what you see in (social) media.
As in education point of view, this is sickening to me. It's not that we are dumb and must say no to technology advancement (doh we're not all suku baduy) but the fact that our people are mostly still lack of critical thinking and open-mindedness, social media only triggers wider and wider separation between individuals. Hence in the multicultural and plural country like Indonesia, provocation is like a commodity now; the powerful takes control of what to spread amongst the public sphere, AND PEOPLE BUY IT.
All in all, I personally think telly (and other conventional media) have to re-think again and work harder (like very hard man, you see how printed media are dying every day) to put contents and to feed humans out there. It's 15:1 between telly and the independent organisations who watch over media movements. So yes, it's a hardwork for every party; the media, the people and the government. For the people, their nature is to blame, so media and government.... take a deep breath, conduct a really thorough research to understand the layers, the trend, the tendency, the speculations and the projections of the society in.... EVERY WHERE; urban, rural, suburban, even overseas!