Menurut saya, hebat seseorang yang mengeksplorasi partikel dan atom atau senyawa lainnya yang bisa mengubah dunia serta isinya, menambah fungsi atau mempermudah kerja. Lebih hebat lagi yang bisa menganalogikan penemuan ilmiah ke dalam bahasa sosial menggunakan imajinasi anti-tabu sehingga orang awam sejenis saya paham gambaran besar penemuan luar biasa ini. Masih, saya masih menganggap kehebatan Tuhan diatas segalanya sebagai penguasa dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan kehidupan.
It was interesting seeing how menu and camera were being used to give a common knowledge analogy, seriously, I think creativity is beyond exact science in this sense. It's not like science is taking social for granted, it's not like social is the most useful and easiest thing to be understood, and it's neither like social is inapplicable in science world. I always adore how scientists and engineers work to contribute to the main improvement and development in this world and human livings. It's like everything is growing everyday into unpredictable things, and I like the way God makes it.
Mass, particles, atoms, matters, physics, and everything in science are always grabbing my full attention, respect to those who made it understandable for a fool like me. Dan buat saya, inspired by what I see in the animation of Higgs boson, it depends on which way you see it. Again, multi perspektif itu seru, tergatung gimana kita menghargai setiap perbedaan baik yang mempengaruhi diri kita atau yang enggak. There's always another way to look at one thing.
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