Tuesday, 27 November 2018

So You Think You Can Write?

Mirip sama acara TV ya judul post ini? Sengaja, biar catchphrase aja sama kontennya.
Seperti hasil polling dari Instagram aku beberapa waktu lalu bahwa aku pengen konsisten nulis lagi. Yhaa setelah vakum sewindu dari dunia blogger, bisalah dicoba-coba lagi ngejar tayang menjelang akhir tahun, biar nggak garing isinya sampe ke Catatan Akhir Tahun lagi, lol.

Nah, kali ini aku mau sharing soal dunia kerja dan start up company. Sebenernya sotoy aja sih, karena yang dishare adalah pengalaman pribadi yang super.... cetek alias shallow, alias biasa aja, alias nggak umum dan nggak bisa digeneralisasi. Tapi ya blog blog gue, ya suka suka gue!

Anyway, a couple of years back, I have been involved with this digital/online magazine called Eat Vacation and Luxuvere. Basically, these 2 are in the same group, Luxuvere, but containing different types of contents. I used to be the Editor/Writer back then at Eat Vacation, and now moving (up?) to the HR for both brands. It's quite interesting because although I am only a part time here and there, I feel like I'm so attached with the whole company. Not only I know the owner, but actually the industry is quite interesting; it's media 4.0.

A digital media platform that has SO MANY CHALLENGES, yet at the same time, so many opportunities. Let alone the time-based and reader-based content, I think the topics covered are very niche and great to study about. I personally think I'd fit the Managing Editor position if only I could leave my whole family life. Not because I am so good at it, but I think it's something worth exploring. However, despite the indefinite shape it can be formed within these past 2 years, I absolutely believe that a media background would be the most required qualification for anyone sitting in this position. Firstly because the editorial direction is still an infant, it needs serious and intensive care from someone whose experience has covered media and digital world. Yeah digital I mean hardworking, timeless and workaholic individuals can fit in. It's not that people without this background cannot work, no, totally not. English is also the main requirement, because the media aim for expat and native readers. Secondly, I really think there are a lot more potentials that haven't been reached, both by the owner, and the team member. Simply not because they are not capable, nor not passionate in growing the company, but more because of the undefined workload and team-pace yet.

Yang mau aku sharing adalah the latest concern tentang bagaimana menulis itu jadi suatu hal yang sulit namun menyenangkan bagi individu yang kreatif dalam menuangkan ide dalam bentuk kata-kata. Asli deh, kalo buat aku sendiri sih nge-blog itu sangat sangat menyenangkan, cuma memang jujur sungguh bukan alasan, buatku tuh susah banget cari waktu kayak sekarang gini; anak-anak pada tidur. Kemudian ya, jujur juga bukan alasan, susah banget dapetin drive dan motivasi untuk nulis, terutama NGGAK DIBAYAR. Jadi kadang lelah badan bisa ngalahin ide kreatif nulis dan beberapa random shit yang sebenernya bisa aku jadiin isi blog aku. Di sinilah antusiasme pembaca jadi motivasi buatku, yang mana juga readership blog aku adalah 0 besar, jadilah aku ngga nulis-nulis HAHAHAHA semua ini gara-gara pembaca, pembaca! LOL Ya intinya nulis itu nggak segampang yang kalian kira... kadang susahnya bukan pada nulisnya atau idenya, tapi pada waktu dan kapasitas badan (serta motivasi) jadi faktor juga :(

Seriusan deh, aku tuh selalu dan sering punya ide untuk dituangkan ke tulisan, terutama di blog. Tapi karena keterbatasan kapasitas yang kubilang di atas, sering juga Twitter dan Instagram jadi pelarian. YA MEMANG ITU KAN ALASAN KENAPA MEREKA UNGGUL dibanding blog.

ide nulis juga sering muncul just from my incidental click at old pictures

People really need to adjust when it comes to a new workplace, even though when they think they belong to that new place they are into. Because different company means different culture, and different people bring different value. Hence, different value implies on different working-style. Not that anyone or anything is better than anything else, but merely because adaptation and adjustment may need some time. This 'time' is what some people spare or have too much, especially when it comes to business.

Well as in for myself in the company... I'll do what I can do best; juggling with many works from many places. God forbid anything happen to my health, lol.

Monday, 26 November 2018

Esquire VS DA MAN

Barusan habis riset via chat WA sama beberapa temen cowok (dan cewek) tentang

"if I ask you "majalah cowok" what crosses your mind?"

You know what majority answer is?
PLAYBOY. That's number one most answers. Nggak kaget, sama sekali nggak kaget. Habis buka Google pun yang keluar entry sejenis kok:

Tentunya nama nama di atas muncul juga kok di jawaban temen-temenku, baik yang cowok maupun cewek. Kata lain yang keluar adalah "popular" "men's health" "Music & Guitar" "atletis" "cewek seksi" dan beberapa nama majalah tua yang hanya dia yang jawab (re: mas Arya) lol. But seriously, many answers came back and they are all quite reasonable and interesting.. like this one:

It's safe to say that men have literature to read too, lol, nope joking. I mean, men have things to read too, even I think more categories compared to ladies': 1. Fashion, 2. Horoscope, 3. Lifestyle, 4. Beauty. CUMA EMPAT LHO MOSTLY CEWEK TUH BACAANNYA. Selebihnya ya cowok itu punya kategori lain: kesehatan, otomotif, teknologi, politik, fashion, musik, olahraga, game, dan tentunya CEWEK.

Not that I mean which one is more intelligent than which one ya (of course women are smarter lol) but then what I want to focus on is: how much men and masculinity have changed these days. It shocks me enough that some male magazines change the presence of female as their content from the sexy naughty consumable ones into a smart and loving page like this:

LOL look at the magazine name: GANLOB?! hahahaha, sorry, it's just me I guess. But anyway, ternyata bisa kan mengubah fitur 'cewek' dari yang half naked and appealing like the smart Chantal or Olivia Munn into a ..... ya smart looking like the celebs Syahrini dipakein blazer atau (almh) Julia Perez dengan business attirenya. No offense, it's just unique and interesting to me how men's magazines place women's figure as their content. Not to mention that, it all goes back to perspective and value.

Chantal for FHM

Chantal for Metro TV
Jupe for Sidang Skripsi

Other thing that shocks me is DAMAN. The fancy DestinAsian for MAN was just launched this year and bringing cool and spectacular event to celebrate their birth. Yang bikin kaget adalah: apa yang salah aneh beda dengan DAMAN.
Nih ya:

Itu homepage mereka lho. Coba kamu buka Homepage dari majalah dengan segmentasi sejenis: Esquire, FHM, CG, atau ya Playboy lah.... dan sejenisnya:

monmaap ni walau kaki kek laki, tapi heels di belakangnya lumayan mencerahkan 

TUHKAN? You get my point?
They are changin manhood and masculinity with different perspective. Hal yang sifatnya seksualitas dan segmen hobi tertentu (musik, otomotif, dan olahraga misal) jadi ke arah feminism.... fashion.
Nggak ada yang salah dengan cowok fashionable atau cowok stylish, NO NOTHING WRONG AT ALL. Personally I think it's a perspective worth looking at.

Menurut ChildrenNow, maskulinitas biasa diasosiasikan dengan kekerasan, kekuatan fisik, agresi, dominasi dan kegiatan olahraga. Intinya, yang LAKI banget itu ya sesuatu yang sifatnya keras dan fisik. Sementara yang Daman tampilkan itu.. soft sekali yaitu tentang fashion dan style. Again, I am not saying it's wrong, I'm saying it's unique and it really defines its readership.

BUT THEN ANOTHER UNIQUE THING HAPPENED. I think it's only because the magazine is new, but I'm not sure. My gay friends answered my question with the same answers as the straight ones; Playboy, FHM, Esquire and Fitness for Man. Nahlho, jadi apakah portrayal media sekarang belum diterima secara general dan menyeluruh untuk semua kaum lelaki yang sekarang pun terbagi bagi segmentasi serta karakternya (terlepas dari orientasi seksualnya).

Seru ya bahas media memang..
Seru, apalagi abis baca jawaban temenku yang ini:

I was like:

Thursday, 22 November 2018


So hi!
Perhaps you arrived at this page because you clicked my bio on Instagram, that's okay!
I have just a few updates of what I am and I do and I have now.

Rivero Karim Alhakim was born on June 5th 2018. He was almost 3.9kg and it was an incredible experience for me giving birth to a baby boy. He has been very cooperative throughout the trimesters I had since 2017 and the timing he picked was fantastic, 12:50 AM (I think). I breastfeed him just okay although he's a bit demanding. He grows UP SO FAST I can feel him getting heavier each day minute. My husband was so amazing and very supportive, I don't know how he turned into a wise gentleman in only 2 years after Sky's birth. Totally worth the wait!

Skylar Erka Putri (or I'd rather call her Skylar Shabrina Kurniawan), well she is 2 and a half just 4 days ago, and she has been a cool and fun sister to hang out with. I can tell she had some phases and tantrum during her siblinghood since the arrival of her little brother, but she handles it very well. I am proud! Thinking to (and saving for) send her to a school next year. Let's see what I can do and what she'd progress by then. Btw, she has stopped wearing diapers on 2.3 months, VERY PROUD!!

Aw man! I am living a quadruple job life now. Believe me I thought it was easier to part time here and there with more flexible working hours, but NO! I AM COMPLETELY WRONG! Things are harder because, despite the flexible working hours, you have to be aware of your own workload and responsibility. As a lecturer in 2 campuses, and a part time HR, and a project-based trainer, man... it is so hard and exhausting. BUT! But what fun is: I get very very wide exposure of working experience and yes, I CANNOT COMPLAIN how incredible is managing my own time and making sure my kids are nurtured most of the times by my hands and attention. It's great to juggle here and there while I am always catching up with my own pace, target and sleeping duration (believe me, grad student life was so much easier). Plus, the training and research projects are so fun (and FUND) to do!

Published Works
As much as I want to underestimate myself and tend to always be unproductive, I managed to get myself published in ULTIMACOMM and long time ago -but still proud of- article in EATVACATION hahaha.

Alright, I'll update again next month (hopefully)