The so-called-pandemic is not over yet, and media is worsen it under the name of information transparency & government criticism. I am so sad. I've never been this sad about data & its torture, especially for the past 9 months.
I see human's life has become a statistic, & health issue is just a joke you need to wait for the news to. It's saddening & ironic how in the informed era, people are more and more misinformed and disinformed due to their lack of literacy.
I hope this year is the gap year and a replacement moment between the old generations who detest changes & developments, and the new generations who are ready for some revolution ans improvement. Am I too naïve?
I feel like humanbeings are less human now, and animal exctincts worse than how selfish humans should be.
If I could be the saviour, I will. But you know, life is tough enough the way it has been, so why bother worsen it?
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