Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Tempat Berpulang Buatmu

Writing this one while I'm tucking my kids in bed, I could not help to not think about you and the things we've been through. I really never thought we'd go this far.

Kamu, yang tadinya tempatku bermain, melepas lelah dan sedih, kini jadi tempatku berpulang menceritakan lebih dari kelelahan dan kesedihan.
Kamu, yang tadinya tempatku mengukir tawa dan berbagai canda, kini jadi tempatku menulis cerita tentang yang sendu hingga yang lucu.
Kamu, yang kukira adalah perhentian sekilasku, ternyata lebih nyaman dari semua rencana ku.

Kamu yang begitu bersahaja sekaligus begitu banyak rahasia. Kamu yang begitu diam namun menyimpan banyak rasa dan cerita. Kamu yang begitu menenangkan sekaligus suka bertualang. Kamu yang begitu lembut namun sangat kuat hatinya.

I really feel undeserving to have met a person like you. I am so swept off of my feet to be loved by a person like you. There is nothing but gratefulness that I'd feel and express when it comes to having you in my life.

Then I am so scared.
Of losing you, of losing us. Because the pattern is: all good things come to an end.

So I'll surrender to the Most Eternal, to keep my heart tend to Him only. And if you're really written for me, we'll find a way around based on His Guidance.
I truly love you, because of Allah.
The Most Merciful and The Most Gracious.

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