Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Oh dear Gaza

A simple thought on Gaza conflict and its mediation. Currently UN has agreed to once again let Egypt act as the mediator of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Many scholars and analysts are concerned that maybe Egypt isn't the lost effective party. Not only because it hasn't presented any significant result during the mediation per se, but also the contributing factor such as politic and military status quo where Egypt will benefit so much from either Israel or/and Hamas. 

Qatar, on the other hand is THEORETICALLY potential and seems to become a satisfying mediator for this conflict. Qatar is considerably not allied in any course either with Israel or Hamas or Palestine as a whole. However, learning that Qatar is always a country with such beneficial and strategical multinational relationship with other countries (especially neighbourhood of the Gulf), this country is TECHNICALLY not going to risk any military or politically loss within the mediation process.

I don't know. This is just my opinion anyway. But I believe that if Qatar ('s government) and UN have agreed to take over the mediation task of Israel-Palestine conflict, I really hope the tactic they're planning (with beneficial and profitable accountability of themselves) is worth the result of the mediation.

I don't naively hope it's gonna be some sort of peace treaty or something beautiful or happy ending, but certainly I wish a more profound result like fairness, equality and further safety impact for both sides of the conflicted party, as well as other countries that have claimed (or accused) tp be the alliances of the fighting parties. Amen.

PS: as always, I'm a dumbass who tries to see things from shallow point of view. Please judge me :D

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