Saturday, 31 January 2015

Nothing is Sexier than Typing in the Dark

...after the tears dried.
...seeing the most beautiful smile in your life
...looking up to another new day
and wishing that the past would not hurt you anymore.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

The technical confusion about a break-up.

So with the current issue, I have this confusion in my head about how to act and what to do after a break-up.

1. If you happen to share an account of cinema membership, do you change the details or your ex does it? How about the remaining balance in that card? Who claims it? Do you refund the money?

2. Do you wait for your ex to change the Facebook status first from being in a relationship to become single? Or you initiate the change?

3. What do you say to people who adore your lovestory and ask you why you broke up? Do you frame your ex into a bad figure or you just admit that it's your fault? Or ignore?

4. If you miss your ex, like for example the way they say hi or just checking out how you're doing, should you ask your ex first without considering that's going to contradict the fact that a break up means no more strings attached? If you finally decide to do it, how to make it not look like you're desperate of wanting to be together again?

5. Let's say your ex doesn't tell many people around them that you have broken up. Suddenly a friend of your ex said hi and invited you to come to a party. Would you be the one who tells them that you are no longer in a relationship with their friend?

6. With the same context in no.5, what if your ex's parents (who you know like you) text you and ask how you doing and invite you to an event? Do you consult your ex first asking what to say?

7. Your close friends know your side story, they're trying to fix you up with someone new. Would you dumbly refuse and say you want to be single for a while because you still aren't over your ex yet? Or you're actually keen to meet new people for the sake of refreshment and consolidation?

8. As a social media user, there are a few times you are tempted to post what you're feeling. How to express that you miss the memories you've had (not the person) without making an impression that you are desperate and really broken about the relationship itself? Or are yiu just shutting down and being silent at all?

9. There's one time your ex texted you saying hi and just chatting about stuff. Do you respond cold no matter how bad you actually want the same thing? Or you just act sweet and go cheesy all the way to try to win your ex's heart back?

10. How to stop doing small habits that you are comfortable with when you were still together with your ex? For example, telling funny things happened in your office, or funny pictures in 9gag, or just simply a new movie trailer you two have been wanting to watch?

Friday, 9 January 2015

Revolusi Mental Naik Angkot

Sebagai alternatif transportasi umum yang terjangkau dan cenderung lebih mudah diakses, angkot tentunya jadi andalan banyak orang, terutama di Jakarta. Gue pribadi cinta banget sama kemudahan dan akses naik angkot yang memang super murah dan gampang karena lewat depan gang rumah dan langsung menuju ke terminal utama; Pulo Gadung.

Yang belakangan jadi pet-hates gue adalah: mental para penumpang yang malas dan individualis serta berpikiran sempit. Gue paham, tujuan orang naik angkot pada umumnya sama kok; gampang, murah dan gak jalan jauh dari tujuan maupun rumah. Sama, gue juga mikir gitu.

Pet hates gue adalah ketika seorang penumpang turun di satu titik, selalu ada penumpang lain yang sebenernya titik tujuannya deket dari tempat si penumpang pertama berhenti. Ngeselinnya, dia memilih untuk nggak turun, dan sang supir yang baru naikin perseneling dari gigi 1 ke gigi 2 karena mau nambah kecepatan harus dihambat sama suara "kiri bang" dari orang yang sbenernya tadi bisa berhenti bareng sama penumpang pertama.

For social reason, itu BIKIN MACET karena si angkot harus berhenti berkali kali dalam radius ratusan (bahkan puluhan) meter untuk nurunin satu orang  penumpang. Not to mention that itu memperpanjang durasi perjalanan penumpang lain yang akan turun di destinasi berikutnya. Come on, itu kendaraan umum for more than one person loh, be considerate and kalo mau premium service sampe depan rumah karena males jalan; TAKE TAXI!

For corporate reason, ini yang suka nggak kepikiran sama penumpang, yaitu BOROS BENSIN DAN MEMBUAT KAMPAS REM MOBIL AUS, karena berkali kali berhenti dan kalo kenyamanan di angkot berkurang, yang   adalah si penumpang lagi. Kasian kan supir yang harusnya bisa kejar setoran atau punya uang simpanan ternyata harus spend more untuk maintenance angkot mereka. 

For mental reason, ayolah, seratus dua ratus meter nggak akan bikin kita mati kok kecuali kalo kita emang bawa 18 kwintal beban dari pasar induk. Jalan kaki kan sehat, apalagi kalo cuma deket jaraknya, nggak ada alesan capek untuk orang sehat yang sebenernya mau ngalah ikut turun di titik berhenti angkot yang deket dengan tujuan dia berhenti.

I think these people are being inconsiderate, selfish, spoiled and ignorant to care about such things. Kalo yang penting murah cepet dan enak nggak diimbangin dengan mental simpati dan semangat mengalah, sama aja dong kita dengan para princess yang kita cela karena being manja, mbermewah-mewahan dan males bergerak dengan berbagai excuse.

Afterwork Thought.

I got off from work early today just to assist my brother finding a gift for his bae. Thinking that giving a present for a girlfriend is hard, so you need a trustworthy, credible help from someone. Just how thoughtful my bro is to choose me to help him because he wants the best for his girlfriend. I think what I'm doing is cool.

Until a stupid random shit overcross my head thought that "I wish I had such thoughtful boyfriend" and I just gazed away from myself. As usual, I'm just being silly.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Despite Their Billion Dollars Income

Today I went crazy about a really random (but important!) thought. Honestly I'm lazy to retype it here, so I'd just copy it from my chat with my friend and modify it (I swear I'll modify things! I'm not that lazy!)

You know the tradition of football players trading their shirts with the players from other team that they play against. This is massive ridicule to me.

Kamu tau kan gaji pemain bola itu gede.  Kenapa masih pada norak minta jersey pemain lawan sih kalo mereka bisa beli sendiri? Masih banyak fans kere di luar sana seperti aku yg lebih pantas mendapatkan bekas keringet ryan giggs dan karim benzema dan cristiano ronaldo dan matt hummels dan toni kroos dll dll.

At this point my friend replied me "bukan masalah gajinya, tapi chance ketemu pemain idola mereka..."

Aku masih ngga ngerti tuh kenapa mereka berbuat demikian. Aku ngga ngerti. They could have bought the brand new one yg ga bekas keringet bahkan bisa minta ttd langsung kalo ketemu di players tunnel atau locker room abis match gitu PLIS! 

If they keep doing so, they better give me their money rather than wasting it nowhere. I mean, they can get original players' kit for free, I bet they can get ANYTHING ELSE free too if they ask. They are superstar! They don't need money! 

Mending Kasih aja duitnya skalian ke aku biar bisa aku naikin haji mak ijah dan tukang bubur. Skalian tukang ketoprak deket rumahku aku naikin haji! 

Okay that's all. Don't bother correcting me or telling me why. I completely understand the value, symbol and phylosophy of why. Lol. I'm just being random. 
