Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Despite Their Billion Dollars Income

Today I went crazy about a really random (but important!) thought. Honestly I'm lazy to retype it here, so I'd just copy it from my chat with my friend and modify it (I swear I'll modify things! I'm not that lazy!)

You know the tradition of football players trading their shirts with the players from other team that they play against. This is massive ridicule to me.

Kamu tau kan gaji pemain bola itu gede.  Kenapa masih pada norak minta jersey pemain lawan sih kalo mereka bisa beli sendiri? Masih banyak fans kere di luar sana seperti aku yg lebih pantas mendapatkan bekas keringet ryan giggs dan karim benzema dan cristiano ronaldo dan matt hummels dan toni kroos dll dll.

At this point my friend replied me "bukan masalah gajinya, tapi chance ketemu pemain idola mereka..."

Aku masih ngga ngerti tuh kenapa mereka berbuat demikian. Aku ngga ngerti. They could have bought the brand new one yg ga bekas keringet bahkan bisa minta ttd langsung kalo ketemu di players tunnel atau locker room abis match gitu PLIS! 

If they keep doing so, they better give me their money rather than wasting it nowhere. I mean, they can get original players' kit for free, I bet they can get ANYTHING ELSE free too if they ask. They are superstar! They don't need money! 

Mending Kasih aja duitnya skalian ke aku biar bisa aku naikin haji mak ijah dan tukang bubur. Skalian tukang ketoprak deket rumahku aku naikin haji! 

Okay that's all. Don't bother correcting me or telling me why. I completely understand the value, symbol and phylosophy of why. Lol. I'm just being random. 


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