Setelah me-review Catatan Akhir dua Tahun lalu, saya jadi bengong sekaligus semangat. I don't know what to write but thanks to Gregorian almanac for giving me a line to start; months.
New Year's in Scotland!!! Anyone must have been very very jealous of an international girl like me. I spent great time in Edinburgh and Glasgow with amazing Indonesian friends who studied with me in Leeds. Kami nyewa 7 seater car untuk 8 people, dan ended up struggling selama 3 hari di Skotlandia. God bless Reyhan yang hampir menjebak kami di speed camera waktu dia ngebut di jalan tol; untung nggak ada apa-apa. Selebihnya, saya nggak banyak ngapa-ngapain bulan ini kecuali mulai semester dua Masters saya, dan tetep olahraga, main salju sama temen-temen Indonesia, dan mulai mencoba mewujudkan beberapa resolusi saya.
Bulan yang katanya penuh cinta ini nggak se-lovely itu, saya punya banyak tugas dan disertasi sudah siap menyergap saya di depan mata. Ini dia awal dari langkah-langkah akhir untuk titel S2, saya mulai fokus di perpus dan merangkai disertasi saya. Tugas saya jadi School Rep juga semakin berat, meetings dan forums terus saya hadiri, well, I was really really busy but I really really enjoy it! Not because I got paid, but because I had the chance to meet many new people. Apalagi saya juga masih menjabat jadi HUMAS di PPI Leeds, maka urusan publishing dan publication masih jadi makanan sehari-hari buat saya. I think the only entertainment I could remember was Sherlock on BBC, and Big Bang Theory too.
EURO TRIP sungguh menggoda mata!!! Gonggom dan saya merencanakan liburan Spring Summer setelah masing-masing kami menargetkan selesai proposal disertasi tepat waktu di bulan Juni. Yep! Always too advance for me, dan bener kan, aplikasi visa kami butuh persiapan panjang meskipun proses issuing visa schengen only took like a week. Kami bikin itinerary, SALAH BELI TIKET dan booking sana-sini guna menghemat budget dan tetap fun. Yah, waktu itu sih fokus saya tetep ke tugas kuliah dan kerjaan. Yep, seperti tahun tahun sekolah sebelumnya, kopi selalu jadi pasangan saya yang setia. What was so special this month? I GOT ACCEPTED TO WORK FOR THE OLYMPICS!!! Yup! Event-nya masih tengah tahun tapi rekrutmennya dimulai bulan Maret! So excited!
Brother's graduation!!! Akhirnya setelah lima tahun lebih sedikit adik pertama saya mengenyam pendidikan S1, dapatlah ia titel sarjana ekonomi dari kampus swasta paling bergengsi di bidang bisnis dan informatika jakarta utara. Well bro, I am always a proud sister. Ini merupakan wisuda pertama di tahun 2012 yang dihadiri orang tua saya, they're gonna have THREE this year! I was so excited untuk cepet lulus juga dan menghadiahkan ijazah buat Papa-Mama! Realitanya kembali menarik saya pada tugas tugas kuliah yang semakin menantang dan menggoda. Oh I always love being a student, I don't wanna stop.
By the way, bulan April ini pertama kali saya menginjakkan kaki di London, haha, selama setengah tahun lebih di UK, baru sekali ini ke London, it was fun!
Disertasi dan tugas saling mengadu pacu ingin memenangkan perhatian saya, dua-duanya menang. Setelah proposal disertasi diterima, renovasi sana-sini dan cari bala bantuan untuk supply data, alhamdulillah, lancar semuanya dari tugas sampe bab-bab awal disertasi. Aplikasi visa juga mulai disiapkan semuanya, berharap Italia bisa memberikan kemudahan untuk saya liburan.
GUESS WHAT? It's another good news from Indonesia. Adik bungsu saya keterima di PSIKOLOGI UI!! I was totally psyched by what he's achieved. Saya selalu tau, bahwa dia yang paling bright di antara kami bertiga, dari kecil sekolah dan makanannya berkualitas sehingga nggak heran kalo otak dia bekerja lebih fantastic dari kakak-kakaknya. Dia bahkan belum dinyatakan lulus SMA dari udah keterima di Universitas negeri impian saya. He wins everything! Di akhir bulan yang sama, dia wisuda. YES! THE SECOND GRADUATION MY PARENTS GOT TO ATTEND! And again, I am a proud sister!
This month! Bulan ter-hectic dan terseru sepanjang taun (so far by that time) karena ada Indofest, dimana Leeds jadi juara volley competition di Indofest 2012, dan saya ikut andil di dalamnya! Yeah man, I live for sports! AND EUROTRIP TOO!!! Summer di Inggris nggak pernah se-summer itu! Maka saya dan Gonggom, serta visa kami melancong ke Italia dan Spanyol. Dua minggu yang menyenangkan, melelahkan dan menghabiskan banyak uang (ternyata). Well it was worth the fun, dan saya jadi belajar banyak hal tentang travelling.
EITHS!!! jangan khawatir, disertasi saya udah setengah jalan, tentu saja karena di bulan bulan sebelumnya saya membangun pos kamling di perpustakaan dan menenggak puluhan kaleng Redbull untuk menjaga vitalitas dan semangat bekerja! HAHAHA!
Diawali dengan PARIS TRIP SELAMA TIGA HARI!! Gonggom sakit waktu itu, dan karena tiket sudah dibooking, alhasil kami memaksakan pergi! Nggak maksimal banget perginya, excuse buat saya pergi ke Paris lagi, suatu hari, sama pacar! WAJIB! Yeah, obsesi! Lagipula di bulan Juli ini saya udah harus tuntaskan disertasi karena training untuk job Olympics juga lumayan menguras waktu dan tenaga. Saya harus bolak-balik Birmingham-Leeds untuk training food safety, dan lumayan, sertifikatnya menambah kualifikasi skill dan ability saya sebagai anak rantau di bidang hospitality dan serving food, serta catering. HOW MULTI-TALENTED AM I, BITHCEESS!!
Bulan Ramadhan pertama di Inggris, waktu puasa yang lama dan kerjaan yang padat setiap harinya. What a life experience. Kayaknya harus saya ralat bahwa bulan sebelumnya yang paling fun! Setiap bulan di tahun ini adalah fun dalam versinya masing-masing. Dan puasa tahun ini, berkesan banget!
THE REAL OLYMPICS DEAL FOR ME!!! Bersusah payah mencari kejelasan tentang shift kerja di London, sendirian, cari akomodasi dan nyasar sana-sini. Bener-bener pengalaman yang nggak akan saya lupakan. Bayarannya sih lumayan, bisa buat hura-hura selama sebulan dan kemudian pengalamannya sangat berkesan, sampe kapan-kapan. Olympics was awesome! Dan saya selalu bangga pernah menjadi bagian darinya. Enggak semua orang kan bisa kerja di event olaharaga terbesar sedunia ini tiap empat tahun sekali? So I was blessed, mungkin ganjaran karena menyelesaikan disertasi dengan akselerasi maksimum dan hasil yang lumayan (yeah, nggak bagus, cuma nggak jelek juga).
Idul Fitri pertama nggak bareng keluarga. A good decision that I did a hometown trip last year before I went here. Telponan sama ortu dari rumah kontrakan baru di Leeds nggak bisa menggantikan nikmatnya kumpul sama keluarga. Yeah, it's just another month to go for me to be here. Tinggal selesaikan beberapa urusan organisasi dan ada event besar PPI Leeds bulan Septembernya, then BOOM!! I'll be home in no time!
I decided to go home at the end of this month. Bulan kesukaan saya ini emang saya spare untuk banyak hal; travelling around the UK, fokus sama organisasi dan tetep berolah raga. Setelah berkutat tentang tanggal pulang sama orang tua dan saldo di rekening bank, baru saya bisa fokus lagi ke PPI Leeds. I spent three days in Newcastle and it was really exhilarating. Sampe di suatu weekend, dimana saya bertugas jadi MC di seminar perdana PPI Leeds. I finally met Arief, I finally said bye to Gonggom and I firstly met Abel. Yep! That guy! He's been secretly, weirdly, amazingly stole my attention.
Saya pikir saya akan berjodoh sama housemate-nya Abel, eh ternyata Abel melancarkan aksi naturalnya dalam membuat saya naksir dia duluan. Too bad we only got a month to know each other, lumayan sih quality banget sebelum saya balik ke tanah air. Dari beberapa social events kami, ulang tahun, house warming, farewell, I think there were several seconds he got my attention, but then I expected nothing. Kayaknya waktu itu luka dari relationship sebelumnya belum begitu beres, so why bother?
That moment, 30th of September was the first time I regret my bought ticket back to Indonesia, I really wish I could spend longer time in Leeds and get to know Abel a bit well. But it's okay, God has written us another path, the more beautiful one, at least I believed so.
What is it? HOME!!! I feel like I belong here, always! I spent hours, days and weeks in my bedroom, unpacking and keeping in touch with Abel. Yes. We have had that chemistry you guys have always defined as 'falling in love'. I was reluctant too, selain nggak suka LDR, rasanya luka lama untuk relationship belum bener-bener reda. Not that I blamed anyone, nor the distance, it was just not yet the time. Well, I think Abel is smart, attractive, talk-able, random and absurd, just like me. I liked him. No, wait, I have fallen for him ever since. I was reminiscing our times together in Leeds; the afternoon jog, the movie date, the dinner, the walk and the talk, and yes, I have fallen for him.
He confessed, no, let's say WE confess that we were attracted to each other. It was funny, because both of us are absurd, dan anehnya, kami suka keanehan kami masing-masing. He is completely interesting and all I could do in October was to drag my parents to attend my graduation on December, AND FOR MYSELF TO MEET HIM AGAIN. Just to make sure that we had the right chemical in our both head and heart.
Yes, I clearly have fallen deeper for Abel. We had this connection and I felt very comfortable to tell him ANYTHING, EVERYTHING, and he cares too. I thought he was just being nice, but a jerk must have been struggling very hard to act annoying AND interesting at the same time for quite a time. Secara de facto, kami seperti pacaran. Seacara de jure.... well, we agreed to see where this thing could go when we meet in December. Saya inget visa Mama-Papa belum juga issued padahal udah minggu ke-tiga Setelah di-solat hajat-in sekali, akhirnya release juga! See? God gives what we ask.
Sempet sibuk travelling di minggu-minggu terakhir bulan November, it was a bit tiring, but I love travelling a lot. I wish to do it again some time near in the future!
"kok ada sih orang kayak kamu?" was the most frequently asked question between saya dan Abel. We constantly asked that question when we're FINALLY IN AN OFFICIAL RELATIONSHIP!!! He made my month.
Meskipun kami cuma nghabisin dua minggu, Abel udah berhasil mencuri hati orang tua saya, teman-teman saya, dan tentu saja alam sadar dan bawah sadar saya. I consecutively dreamt of him since October up until the days we were together in England! He is ultimately amazing, compassionate, loving, faithful, gentle, sensitive, caring and intelligent. I'm gonna make a separate part to write about him. Intinya, Desember ini, ceria. Saya lulus S2 dan punya pacar yang luar biasa. I badly want our relationship to work. I secretly want his name to appear again as my boyfriend by the time I write the next catatan akhir tahun. We'll see.
So see you in another Catatan Akhir Tahun
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
Surat Terbuka Untuk Afi.
Cecil meninggal hari ini karena kanker lidah, tapi justru my attention went to my dearest friend, Afi.
Dear Afi,
Pertama kali kita kenalan, di kampus A LSPR, Jane yang ngenalin kita. You were with your baju jawa and eccentric appearance, dari dulu gue tau kalo elo seniman. I was right, beberapa waktu kemudian, gue liat hasil karyalo baik visual maupun audio. You were attractive, considering how I define "attractive" guys.
Kita nggak ngobrol banyak, nggak pernah sekelas, dan bahkan jarang banget ketemu. Waktu gue sapa lo sebelum lo perform gak-tau-apa-temanya tapi itu buat charity event LSPR di Ritz Carlton atau Sahid, gue lupa. You were fucking awesome with gue-lupa-nama-alat-musik-yang-lo-bawa waktu itu. Gue juga lupa gimana, tau-tau gue bawain alat musik itu di mobil gue, kayaknya gara-gara adimas minta tolong atau gimana.
Semester sekian kuliah, kita baru sering ketemu di smoking area kampus B. I remember you were with your cigarettes and Bea all over you as a beloved girlfriend that time. Gue baru bilang sama Babang dan Nandha dan Dhita bahwa gue tertarik sama elo. None of them suggesting I should go ahead, as they know you were madly in love with Bea. Terus dari situ, gue tau lagi, bahwa elo adalah tipikal cowok setia yang loving dan susah move on. You give full faith to relationship and you work hard for it to happen. Impressive.
Gak lama itu, bertepatan kita mulai skripsi, elo udah nggak sama Bea dan terlihat sedang berusaha move on. Kita sering ketemu di perpus dan kebetulan waktu itu gue lagi bantuin skripsi temen-temen yg lain, dan gue udah jadian sama Adimas. Right the day after I firstly met your wonderful mom. I helped you out a bit di skripsi sih, kayaknya gue inget lo nulis nama gue di lembar acknowledgement. Hahhaha.
One day, gue anter something buat Ibu. Kayaknya oleh-oleh dari umroh, tapi pas di rumah ga ada orang. The day after Ibu ngasih gue lasagna buatannya. Terus gue ngobrol sama Ibu, obrolan yang sampe kapanpun kayaknya gue gak akan lupa, dan gak akan cerita sama elo. Hehehe. I'll keep it to myself dan to be honest, sejak kita sempet pulang bareng, I think you're worth the wait. Tapi ya gue gak nyesel juga melewatkanlo dan end up sama Adimas. It was one of the path God has made us. Gue mikir, yaudahlah, temen kayak Afi worth the keep; yang ada kalo gue pacarin dia lalu putus, gue kehilangan juga silaturahmi sama Ibu yang baik banget waktu itu.
Gue akhirnya ke Leeds, elo masih dateng ke farewell gue meskipun baru pulang kerja. See? I knew you're a good friend! Gue masih sama Dimas waktu itu, perasaan care gue nggak berubah sama lo. Cuma kayaknya gue ngerasa lo jaga jarak sejak gue jadian sama Dimas dan gue kasih kacamata ke elo. I swear I hated your glasses that's why I bought you a new pair! Ha ha ha.
A year after, I found out you were dating this Ratri girl, and she looked fine. Gue kebetulan sering liat postingan twitter dan instagramlo soal anything, dari mulai random things, ngata2in orang dan tentu saja, how special Ratri was to you. I was so happy for you. Sampe suatu hari di Inggris sana, gue denger dari Gyanda bahwa lo kena serangan jantung.
I was shocked, gue tanya sana-sini untuk confirm dan alhamdulillah kita punya geng keren di Jakarta yang arrange buat konser charity untuk operasilo. I missed that concert but I'm glad it helped you out a bit.
Anyway, it was a huge relieve that gue akhirnya for good ke Indonesia dan bisa jenguk elo di RS Harapan Kita, dan bawain stupid requestlo! hahahaha! Mungkin bener Tuhan nulisin juga gitu supaya gue bisa ketemu elo, dan ngobrol lagi sama Ibu; obrolan yang gue bilang mau gue ceritain, tapi kayaknya sekarang akan gue simpen sendiri tanpa elo tau.
But then, another tragedy of your life happened to be heard by me; how terrible Ratri turned out to be. Gue masih kesel sekaligus salut sama lo. God must have given you the strongest heart, literally and psychologically. Lo kena koroner, lo survived dan lo masih bisa memaafkan. It's just amazing.
In conclusion, Fi, you're a big guy. Gue nggak pernah nyesel naksir dan melewatkan elo. Turned out memang kita bisa temenan baik and I feel grateful about it. I remembered your Ar Rahman voice note and I do really hope you live a healthy, wealthy, and prosperity life for long. Lo inget gak lo bilang mau jadi fotografer pre-wed gue! Janji lu yey! :)
I remembered how loyal you are to a friend, and open minded about many things. I remembered your courage for me to apply for an impossible job, and I remembered your passion to achieve many things better. I remembered how enthusiastic you were about my current love life as if you wanted it to work too. You're like one of my coolest friends, only you're strong too. And I'm grateful to have a chance to meet you in my life.
See you around, Puy!
Dear Afi,
Pertama kali kita kenalan, di kampus A LSPR, Jane yang ngenalin kita. You were with your baju jawa and eccentric appearance, dari dulu gue tau kalo elo seniman. I was right, beberapa waktu kemudian, gue liat hasil karyalo baik visual maupun audio. You were attractive, considering how I define "attractive" guys.
Kita nggak ngobrol banyak, nggak pernah sekelas, dan bahkan jarang banget ketemu. Waktu gue sapa lo sebelum lo perform gak-tau-apa-temanya tapi itu buat charity event LSPR di Ritz Carlton atau Sahid, gue lupa. You were fucking awesome with gue-lupa-nama-alat-musik-yang-lo-bawa waktu itu. Gue juga lupa gimana, tau-tau gue bawain alat musik itu di mobil gue, kayaknya gara-gara adimas minta tolong atau gimana.
Semester sekian kuliah, kita baru sering ketemu di smoking area kampus B. I remember you were with your cigarettes and Bea all over you as a beloved girlfriend that time. Gue baru bilang sama Babang dan Nandha dan Dhita bahwa gue tertarik sama elo. None of them suggesting I should go ahead, as they know you were madly in love with Bea. Terus dari situ, gue tau lagi, bahwa elo adalah tipikal cowok setia yang loving dan susah move on. You give full faith to relationship and you work hard for it to happen. Impressive.
Gak lama itu, bertepatan kita mulai skripsi, elo udah nggak sama Bea dan terlihat sedang berusaha move on. Kita sering ketemu di perpus dan kebetulan waktu itu gue lagi bantuin skripsi temen-temen yg lain, dan gue udah jadian sama Adimas. Right the day after I firstly met your wonderful mom. I helped you out a bit di skripsi sih, kayaknya gue inget lo nulis nama gue di lembar acknowledgement. Hahhaha.
One day, gue anter something buat Ibu. Kayaknya oleh-oleh dari umroh, tapi pas di rumah ga ada orang. The day after Ibu ngasih gue lasagna buatannya. Terus gue ngobrol sama Ibu, obrolan yang sampe kapanpun kayaknya gue gak akan lupa, dan gak akan cerita sama elo. Hehehe. I'll keep it to myself dan to be honest, sejak kita sempet pulang bareng, I think you're worth the wait. Tapi ya gue gak nyesel juga melewatkanlo dan end up sama Adimas. It was one of the path God has made us. Gue mikir, yaudahlah, temen kayak Afi worth the keep; yang ada kalo gue pacarin dia lalu putus, gue kehilangan juga silaturahmi sama Ibu yang baik banget waktu itu.
Gue akhirnya ke Leeds, elo masih dateng ke farewell gue meskipun baru pulang kerja. See? I knew you're a good friend! Gue masih sama Dimas waktu itu, perasaan care gue nggak berubah sama lo. Cuma kayaknya gue ngerasa lo jaga jarak sejak gue jadian sama Dimas dan gue kasih kacamata ke elo. I swear I hated your glasses that's why I bought you a new pair! Ha ha ha.
A year after, I found out you were dating this Ratri girl, and she looked fine. Gue kebetulan sering liat postingan twitter dan instagramlo soal anything, dari mulai random things, ngata2in orang dan tentu saja, how special Ratri was to you. I was so happy for you. Sampe suatu hari di Inggris sana, gue denger dari Gyanda bahwa lo kena serangan jantung.
I was shocked, gue tanya sana-sini untuk confirm dan alhamdulillah kita punya geng keren di Jakarta yang arrange buat konser charity untuk operasilo. I missed that concert but I'm glad it helped you out a bit.
Anyway, it was a huge relieve that gue akhirnya for good ke Indonesia dan bisa jenguk elo di RS Harapan Kita, dan bawain stupid requestlo! hahahaha! Mungkin bener Tuhan nulisin juga gitu supaya gue bisa ketemu elo, dan ngobrol lagi sama Ibu; obrolan yang gue bilang mau gue ceritain, tapi kayaknya sekarang akan gue simpen sendiri tanpa elo tau.
But then, another tragedy of your life happened to be heard by me; how terrible Ratri turned out to be. Gue masih kesel sekaligus salut sama lo. God must have given you the strongest heart, literally and psychologically. Lo kena koroner, lo survived dan lo masih bisa memaafkan. It's just amazing.
In conclusion, Fi, you're a big guy. Gue nggak pernah nyesel naksir dan melewatkan elo. Turned out memang kita bisa temenan baik and I feel grateful about it. I remembered your Ar Rahman voice note and I do really hope you live a healthy, wealthy, and prosperity life for long. Lo inget gak lo bilang mau jadi fotografer pre-wed gue! Janji lu yey! :)
I remembered how loyal you are to a friend, and open minded about many things. I remembered your courage for me to apply for an impossible job, and I remembered your passion to achieve many things better. I remembered how enthusiastic you were about my current love life as if you wanted it to work too. You're like one of my coolest friends, only you're strong too. And I'm grateful to have a chance to meet you in my life.
See you around, Puy!
Friday, 21 December 2012
What Happened in Leeds, probably move along (part two)
less than 24 hours.
Nicky Australiano Laksamana. He's the kid! He told me a lot about something, and I treasure living with him in that transition time, and I think he is smart too. He helped me once lifting the stupid drawer and it hurt him I guess, makasih ya dek Nicky! Keep playing sports and I hope the business (and the love story) go (es) well.
Wahyu Tamtomo Adi. Rocket scientist, inspiring, patient and loving. Melankolis kesukaan gue ya bang Tama ini. He has this open mid about many things, but still on-hold of many strong principles. I think I wrote one or two about him in my tumblr, yet I don't think he cares. I don't care either whether he cares or not. I just adore him. He's smart and I don't have to wait for one day to be his fan.
Boya Subhono. He is taken! He's one hell kind of an engineer who can be really really fun as if he's a social person! He is wise and he once told me what kind of guy to be loved and what kind of to be left. I love his wife, though, Ara was beautiful and sweet too. She's a kid, but they look really nice together. Mas Boya is one of those old people you can always run to when you wanna talk about anything. I crave talking quality with him.
Andyka Kusuma. I met this wise quiet man in an organisation and he is organised as well. Being soooo kind and smart, turned out he has this broad network with me and connects me with anyone, randomly in this world. I wish him the very successful study, career and family with his lovely Lola in Leeds, and in wherever they might end up in the next few years.
Masitoh Indriani. We should have been friends since a long time ago! I felt really close to her one second before I went home! Now I want to update the progress of her story and mine too!! I miss her however!
Will there be any third part? Umm, we'll see.
less than 24 hours.
Nicky Australiano Laksamana. He's the kid! He told me a lot about something, and I treasure living with him in that transition time, and I think he is smart too. He helped me once lifting the stupid drawer and it hurt him I guess, makasih ya dek Nicky! Keep playing sports and I hope the business (and the love story) go (es) well.
Wahyu Tamtomo Adi. Rocket scientist, inspiring, patient and loving. Melankolis kesukaan gue ya bang Tama ini. He has this open mid about many things, but still on-hold of many strong principles. I think I wrote one or two about him in my tumblr, yet I don't think he cares. I don't care either whether he cares or not. I just adore him. He's smart and I don't have to wait for one day to be his fan.
Boya Subhono. He is taken! He's one hell kind of an engineer who can be really really fun as if he's a social person! He is wise and he once told me what kind of guy to be loved and what kind of to be left. I love his wife, though, Ara was beautiful and sweet too. She's a kid, but they look really nice together. Mas Boya is one of those old people you can always run to when you wanna talk about anything. I crave talking quality with him.
Andyka Kusuma. I met this wise quiet man in an organisation and he is organised as well. Being soooo kind and smart, turned out he has this broad network with me and connects me with anyone, randomly in this world. I wish him the very successful study, career and family with his lovely Lola in Leeds, and in wherever they might end up in the next few years.
Masitoh Indriani. We should have been friends since a long time ago! I felt really close to her one second before I went home! Now I want to update the progress of her story and mine too!! I miss her however!
Will there be any third part? Umm, we'll see.
Thursday, 20 December 2012
What happened in Leeds, probably move along.
Silvia Caroline, is always, the only first name that I'd like to recall. A flatmate, housemate, cooking mate, and she's funny. Kalo ada yang bilang bahwa berteman itu ada jodoh ya, then gue percaya bahwa Tuhan menggariskan pertemanan kami dengan sangat indah -di Leeds padahal di S1 kami sekampus, tapi enggak pernah kenal dan ketemu. She's the one I'm gonna miss the most.
Andina Rahmaniyah Syafruddin (gosh I hope I spell her last name correctly) was the only female that I'd like to marry if I live another life as a male. She cooks and persistence in what she's doing. It's like she's into anything fun and she means it. Kangen kue kue dan coto andin! Kangen begosiip sama Andin!
Lintang Indah Juwita. She's the galau-est and the strongest lover I've ever met. Tau gitu dari dulu gue temenan sama dia waktu kami satu SMA, sayang dulu kakak kelas gue sih dia. She takes care of her friends very well and I like talking to her, abiut anyhing, any girl things. I miss her drunk text and call, it was silly but that's what makes who she is.
Davin Aldrich Odang is the purest wildest kindest nicest humN in Leeds! Dia doang yang bilang gue fair, kayak jakarta. Dan quotes ter-fair dia tentang gue adalah "novel itu, suara, muka sama bahasa inggrisnya bagus..tapi sayang nggak punya pacar" kampret! I rarely see him sad, but I think when he is, it must be his lowest point in his life. He's got a good life now, I miss eatin his food.
Gonggomtua Eskanto Sitanggang. I think he is jinius for real, yeah "jinius" as my mom said. We spent quite much time (and money) durin our year in Leeds. Some even thought we were dating, but we were not, we will never. He's just one good listener and the most rational and logical man I've known. He survived his crazy MSTT UGM path I guess, semoga lah ya Bang!
Reyhan Yuanza Pohan. I used to had a crush on him, until one day I know how dumb (but naive) he is! Hahahah, now I cannot describe anything about him, I just wanna say "nyet! Move on, get up! Execute your fucking contingency plans! Hahaha!"
Marcelo Blumenfeld Mendoca. Naah, he's not gonna find this post out, never will; he's too busy doing impressive and significant things. I love him, a lot! He's the best, crankiest, moodiest, nicest and caring housemate ever!!! He's got the best and prettiest mom of all, I really really hope he will come to Jakarta so I could drive him around Jakarta and its craziness. Hahahaha. I'm glad he loves my batik.
Xun Lin aka Liz is another best housemate. She's the one and only person that I'm gonna meet when I come to China. She always bothered to ask what to bring home from her work as she was working in Chinese resto. I miss her! She's brilliant and I can be very silly in front of her.
Ah, there will be a second part.. Not now, but I will.
Andina Rahmaniyah Syafruddin (gosh I hope I spell her last name correctly) was the only female that I'd like to marry if I live another life as a male. She cooks and persistence in what she's doing. It's like she's into anything fun and she means it. Kangen kue kue dan coto andin! Kangen begosiip sama Andin!
Lintang Indah Juwita. She's the galau-est and the strongest lover I've ever met. Tau gitu dari dulu gue temenan sama dia waktu kami satu SMA, sayang dulu kakak kelas gue sih dia. She takes care of her friends very well and I like talking to her, abiut anyhing, any girl things. I miss her drunk text and call, it was silly but that's what makes who she is.
Davin Aldrich Odang is the purest wildest kindest nicest humN in Leeds! Dia doang yang bilang gue fair, kayak jakarta. Dan quotes ter-fair dia tentang gue adalah "novel itu, suara, muka sama bahasa inggrisnya bagus..tapi sayang nggak punya pacar" kampret! I rarely see him sad, but I think when he is, it must be his lowest point in his life. He's got a good life now, I miss eatin his food.
Gonggomtua Eskanto Sitanggang. I think he is jinius for real, yeah "jinius" as my mom said. We spent quite much time (and money) durin our year in Leeds. Some even thought we were dating, but we were not, we will never. He's just one good listener and the most rational and logical man I've known. He survived his crazy MSTT UGM path I guess, semoga lah ya Bang!
Reyhan Yuanza Pohan. I used to had a crush on him, until one day I know how dumb (but naive) he is! Hahahah, now I cannot describe anything about him, I just wanna say "nyet! Move on, get up! Execute your fucking contingency plans! Hahaha!"
Marcelo Blumenfeld Mendoca. Naah, he's not gonna find this post out, never will; he's too busy doing impressive and significant things. I love him, a lot! He's the best, crankiest, moodiest, nicest and caring housemate ever!!! He's got the best and prettiest mom of all, I really really hope he will come to Jakarta so I could drive him around Jakarta and its craziness. Hahahaha. I'm glad he loves my batik.
Xun Lin aka Liz is another best housemate. She's the one and only person that I'm gonna meet when I come to China. She always bothered to ask what to bring home from her work as she was working in Chinese resto. I miss her! She's brilliant and I can be very silly in front of her.
Ah, there will be a second part.. Not now, but I will.
Saturday, 15 December 2012
Reds keep marching on.
I couldn't believe I watched the match again! This time together with Dad and boyfriend. I nearly couldn't feel the cold as the heat of the audiences was so warm.
Manchester United has always been my favourite since I was in the 6th grade, and now I'm so blessed to have the chance to watch them play, LIVE, IN OLD TRAFFORD. Other reds might be so jealous of me now.
It was just perfect that my Dad, who's been a little bit bored, got entertained and felt the England experience after London. PLUS, boyfriend was so kind and gentle with us. United won and the trip was so smooth until we got home. I totally look forward to another live match, soon.
Manchester United has always been my favourite since I was in the 6th grade, and now I'm so blessed to have the chance to watch them play, LIVE, IN OLD TRAFFORD. Other reds might be so jealous of me now.
It was just perfect that my Dad, who's been a little bit bored, got entertained and felt the England experience after London. PLUS, boyfriend was so kind and gentle with us. United won and the trip was so smooth until we got home. I totally look forward to another live match, soon.
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Desember, lagi.
I am so gonna write so much this month. Udah akhir tahun lagi, anoter Catatan Akhir Tahun pasti jadi most waited dan most wanted yaa sama reader dan stalker gue. Hehehe.
Nope, not today, gue bia beberes barang dulu ya buat wisuda ke UK. What an achievement, beberapa minggu belakangan gue sibuk banget dan otak kayak drained serta hati kayak exhausted. Hahaha.
Anyway, I'll be flying Qatar Airways to Doha then to Manchester buat wisuda. Bonus miles gue kali ini far more special than any maskapai can even give; abel!
Kalo kami dulu sempet jadian, mungkin ini LDR terlama gue tanpa adegan diputusin lewat text message karena.... Yeah, one if those things, not event worth writing here.
Sabar yaa catatan akhir tahunnya, insya Allah sebelum taun baru lah ya gue publish! Have an amazing race!!
Nope, not today, gue bia beberes barang dulu ya buat wisuda ke UK. What an achievement, beberapa minggu belakangan gue sibuk banget dan otak kayak drained serta hati kayak exhausted. Hahaha.
Anyway, I'll be flying Qatar Airways to Doha then to Manchester buat wisuda. Bonus miles gue kali ini far more special than any maskapai can even give; abel!
Kalo kami dulu sempet jadian, mungkin ini LDR terlama gue tanpa adegan diputusin lewat text message karena.... Yeah, one if those things, not event worth writing here.
Sabar yaa catatan akhir tahunnya, insya Allah sebelum taun baru lah ya gue publish! Have an amazing race!!
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