Sunday, 12 October 2014

Let's flip it over!

Hello October!

Gosh it's almost mid-month and I have just started to write again. Hopefully this time is not too dull to share what has been crossing my mind lately. My students are going great and work is as hectic as always. Last month and this month are mental to me, I'm like physically drilled and mentally tested and psychologically tortured. Yet I sort of enjoy it, lol. So convinced I have the slightest level of Schizophrenia, not because of the movie or the book that I'm watching, but simply when my friends pointed out that I sometimes talk to myself. I thought this was normal until I read a bit more on the symptoms and they match my condition! HAHAHAHA it's the slightest level anyway, and even so, I see it from the good side; I must have certain extra-ability in my other skill. I just haven't figured it out yet. Maybe someone will point it out too to me very soon (hopefully).

I am attending a super cool midweek getaway this Wednesday; a relative's wedding in Solo!

The couple have booked me hotel, driver and facilities around the town during the event. I guess this is the time for me to have a quick escape from the craziness of daily work. I enjoy my life as much as I look forward to hopping into the plane and take off to somewhere far away from the capital.

Probably escaping to Singapore next month with my ex-students and have fun too! So cannot wait to go through the rest of these three months of the year-end!!!