Tuesday, 25 November 2014

You may desire me, but I do not think you value me.

Last night you asked me to pick up your laundry next to your flat. I refused. You also once asked me if I want to double the key set to your flat. I refused.

You texted me about wanting to see me and going out for a movie. I said yes. We talked all night long about stupid things, serious world problem, and absurd imaginations. We shared the same bowl of instant noodles when watching football on telly. I put away the garbage from your flat after our movie night. I think I had the best relationship ever.


You asked me why I laughed so hard on your jokes and only agreeing to only minor things you ask me, I said "why would I do everything for you? you're not going to marry me anyway, let's have fun while we can and save the serious things for later"