Wednesday 18 April 2012

soon enough to see the sun sets

I believe I am living in the most ridiculous country in terms of weather and time-moving. For the first time in my life, I see sun shines more than 15 hours a day, and I only sleep 5 hours every night.

"Nak, kamu angkat dulu jemuran itu, ini mau hujan" my mom ordered me that Sunday afternoon. I barely noticed it was already 7 o'clock in the evening but the sun felt like one in the afternoon. I didn't see any signs of raining, not even cloudy that day, but my mom insisted. Schizophrenia is no longer thing that I hate or resist, I must go on with that. It's just me and my mom in this weird country, doing therapy for her and I believe I am not freak enough to get a month leave just to company her doing her therapy.

"Ma, orang bilang terapi di negara ini paling bagus. Mama sabar ya, seminggu lagi kita pulang." I never expect any response each time I tried to talk to her. This evening, out of the blue she talked "kenapa repot-repot pergi kesini? Kan adikmu bisa bantu jagain mama, kayak anak kecil aja mama ini kamu giniin. Mama udah dewasa, udah ngerti mana yang bener mana yang salah." She paused while sipping her evening tea. I looked deep into her eyes, trying to understand what she really meant.

It's just me and my mom. I don't have any brother, I don't think I would still have any job when we return from here. I just don't care. "Si Ali itu, udah lama naksir kamu. Mama bilang dia suruh lamar kamu, terus dia bilang nggak berani. Masa iya kamu yang ngelamar dia. Ah cowok jaman sekarang, gampang minder, padahal yang ditaksir belum tentu sehebat yang dikira" Again, I kept silent. I love listening to her, no matter how non-sense her talking is.

"Mama kapan ketemu Ali?"
"Sebelum kesini. Dia confess sama mama kalo dia naksir kamu. Mama bilang dia suruh lamar kamu, terus dia bilang nggak berani. Masa iya kamu yang ngelamar dia. Ah cowok jaman sekarang, gampang minder, padahal yang ditaksir belum tentu sehebat yang dikira" I took a deep breath and threw it out. Deep down I laughed listening to her word 'confess'. She's never used to say anything in English.
"Oh ya? Terus Ali bilang apa?"
"Nggak ada, cuma bilang kalo dia naksir kamu, mau ngelamar kamu kalo udah sukses." This time she made sense. I smiled relentlessly.

"Tidur yuk Ma, udah malem"
"Mana ada di sini malem? masih terang begini kamu bilang malem. Nanti dulu, teh mama belum habis, Hujan belum berhenti, Mama mau tunggu petrichor, lalu tidur" We have the same hobby, smelling petrichor. We sat in silence, and sometimes I told her stories she'd never response to. I don't care, I just want to share.
"Si Ali itu naksir kamu. Mama bilang dia suruh lamar kamu, terus dia bilang nggak berani. Masa iya kamu yang ngelamar dia. Ah cowok jaman sekarang, gampang minder, padahal yang ditaksir belum tentu sehebat yang dikira" That last word made me glare at her, and tried to stop her.
"Ma, sepulangnya nanti dari sini, aku nikah ya sama Ali. Minta doa restunya". Right, I was right. She sipped her tea again, smiled and "tuh kan, terasa petrichornya, mama seneng banget udara di sini"

That was not even raining, just me and my mom. And our smile.

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