Tuesday 20 November 2012

Later that night.

God, who the fuck is this man that you've sent me? He's amazing, so adorable that I almost believed you'd send me to hell after this fading nirvana.

I almost failed to believe that you're real, that's why people say "reality bites". But hey, look at this! The only reality that bites is that one day I'm sure of letting the beauty go and survive with what's left.

God, who the fuck is this man you've sent me? I'm powerless towards your mercy and I never made any point upon myself of what good deeds that I did in the past could grant me this bless.

If this is another test, I gotta be honest God, this is terribly hard. I'm awaken in a very strange emotions that no dictionaries can describe, no fortune teller can guess, no language can translate, and no nerves can respond. This is strange, beautifully strange.

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