Thursday, 23 May 2013


So apparently people are still posting stuff about traffic jam, their hatred and faved, love and affection, politics, social life and other pretentious things. I wonder if they ever felt actually what they were tweeting. 

I myself rarely tweeting lately. Not that I'm ultra busy or ignorant to social media. I just hardly find my expectation fulfilled all along by expressing in social media. 

Came to think that I've met some people who always get what they want, or they think that things must go according to their way, or their preferences, or at least their ability to accept the extent to what things might go the other way around.

These people, I wonder if they ever feel sad, not because they don't get what they want. But because it is very hard for them so feel grateful or even to realise of what they've had. It's sad to me when you can't see good things around you and keep complaining and demanding about unreachable wish instead. It's just sad. Just because you always get what you want, doesn't mean you will be like that forever.

Well, at least that's what I've seen in Twitter lately. I might be completely wrong, but that's what I've been implied with, mates.

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