Saturday, 27 August 2011

a note from a good friend

"dear my good friend,
soon you'll be leaving this country, this town where we used to hang out and have fun together. I may not be there instantly when you need me like before, but I want you to keep in mind that: I will always in your heart, listen to your every story.
Once you arrived there, keep this note in behind your door, so each time you're going out and in, you're reminded by a restless friend here in your hometown. Remember that nothing will and is allowed to bring you down. You're living your dream there and you have been making us proud here in home. Keep smiling and keep moving forward as you are always encouraged by. I forbid any pain and critic take you down, so be tough and make them your shield. You're the king of your mind and no one rules it but you.
If you have any complaints or just want to mock anything that bothers you, go to your YM, I'll be there. Late replies are always better than invisible or unavailable, right?
Please also remember that each time you're tired and bored, or you're tempted and disgusted about any bad stuff, me and your family are here. Don't bother thinking and doing things that will only jeopardize your dream and vision. You're strong, I know, always.
Lastly, be nice to everyone, to strangers and to good people. you have no idea which one will kill you.
I love you, dear"

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

the black apron

"Wah, pasti enak nih kopinya" Bagus memuji sambil memperhatikan apron hitam yang dikenakan Bea.
"Kok gitu?" Kening Bea mengerut kaget dan tersipu
"Iya, yang buat coffee master soalnya, pasti udah capcus banget mixing kopinya" Bagus tersenyum penuh makna, umpannya seperti bekerja efektif, "black apron means coffee master kan?"
"Kok tau sih? Partners ya? Starbucks mana?" Bea mencoba mencairkan groginya
"Bukan, saya customer biasa"
"Kok tau soal black apron?"
"Dari internet, dan convinced abis liat mukamu yang super pede dan charming, soo brewing"
Bea tertawa mendengar ungkapan terakhir. Ia menggeleng kecil karena malu dilihat oleh Bagus dengan tatapan aneh.

"Thank you!" Bagus menyambut minumannya setelah Bea mengumumkan jenis kopi itu
"Anytime, thank you" Bagus tidak melepaskan pandangannya dari Bea, dan seperti tidak menyerah, Bagus terus mencoba "ini cara isi customer voice gimana? Lupa deh!" Senyumnya berubah menjadi kernyitan mencurigakan.
"Kalo kamu tau itu customer voice, berarti kamu tau itu apa"
"Tau, tapi aku nggak tau cara ngisinya" Bagus tidak mencoba menutupi niat kenalannya. Bea dengan sabar menunjukkan cara mengisi lembaran kecil yang menentukan insentifnya itu. Bagus berlagak menyimak sambil sesekali membiarkan Bea menangkap curian tatapannya ke wajah Bea.

"Kalo ada yang aku bingung, boleh kan telpon kamu?"Sebelum beranjak dari toko itu, Bagus melancarkan taktik tahap akhirnya
"Kan ada nomer telpon customer service disitu. Atau buka di web aja, nggak susah kok" Bea merapikan lap di belakang counter tanpa menyadari wajah penuh harap Bagus.
"Males ah, bertele-tele pasti. Kalo sama kamu kan udah shared commong knowledge. Ngerti ga maskutku?"
"Ngerti, mau nomer telpon sini?"
"Nggak, nomer telpon kamu"
"What? Hahaha, on our second meeting, aku kasih nomerku. This is just too early" Bagas mendengarnya dengan suasana hati diplomatis dan penuh taktik. Ia mengingat nama yang tertulis di dada kiri Bea dan beranjak sambil mengangkat gelas kopinya, "second meeting, I'm not letting you go"

"Hi!!" Bea tersentak mendengar suara itu dari belakang halte tempatnya menunggu bus.
"Umm..hey" Bea mencoba mengingat wajah itu, kalau-kalau teman lama atau saudara jauh.
"Bagus!" Bea makin tersentak mendengar nama itu, terlebih setelah matanya melihat jelas wajah yang ditemuinya pagi tadi di store, "lagi nunggu bus?"
"Iya, Bea.." Mereka berjabat tangan dan saling tersenyum
"Sama, aku juga abis pulang kerja, mau nunggu bus" Bagus tersenyum menang
"Kita..pernah ketemu dimana ya?" Bea mencoba terdengar dingin dan lupa
"Tadi pagi, di store kamu. Inget nggak?"
"Ooh, iya iya, no whipped cream ya? Inget aku! Hehehe" Bea bahkan masih mengingat detail pesanan minuman Bagus.
"Yup! Pulang kemana Bea?" Bagus terdengar formal namun tetap tersenyum penuh tujuan.
"Bintaro, Bagus kemana?" Bea mengikuti alur bicara Bagus
"Bintaro juga."
"Jadi nggak perlu minta nomer telpon aku ya, kan pulangnya searah. Jadi tanya-tanya di jalan aja nanti, hehe" Bea mengunci mati langkah lanjutan Bagus.
"Iya, nggak kok. Nanti kalo udah mau pisah baru aku tanya sama kamu. Belum punya pacar kan?"

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

big match

Di sini, di sudut ini, aku diam menatapmu. Meneliti setiap jengkal seragam pertandinganmu hari ini.
Warna merah seragammu menyerupai hatiku, seperti rasa bangga dan silau akan kebesaran stadionmu ini.

Di sini, di sudut ini lagi, aku menyerupai dirimu, memerahkan tubuhku dan melengkapi senyumku dengan rasa senang bercampur bangga.

Di sini, di sudut ini, aku melihatmu lagi dengan tawa dan peluh yang sama. Dengan wajah dan kaki lincah yang sama yang mendampingimu bermain.

Di sini, di sudut ini, aku memperhatikanmu lagi, mengucap kata yang tidak kau dengar. Bukan telingamu tertutup, hanya saja riuh mengalahkan gumamku.

Di sini, di sudut ini, aku tersenyum menyaksikan setiap umpan dan silangan demi silangan gerakmu yang mempesona.

Di sini, di sudut ini, sekali dari 90menit aku menemukanmu memandangku dan tersenyum lucu. Aku membalas senyummu, lalu kau bermain lagi dengan duniamu.

Di sini, di sudut ini, aku...sendiri.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

current addiction

I am currently addicted to prefab (prefabrication) homes.
Been loving interior and exterior designs for years, but never have the guts to study deeper. I love architecture and I love posting cool pics. :)


"Hey babe!"
"Hey darling! Do you wanna say something about this crap?" 
Lindsay mengangkat koran infotainment di tangan kirinya dan menunjukkan halaman pertama dimana ada foto Jack berciuman dengan gadis setengah telanjang
"Wow, that's what I've been telling you about, last night" Jack meraih lembaran menyebalkan itu dan mencoba membaca cepat isi berita yang menyertai foto itu.
"No, that's not like what you told me, baby. Tell me!" Lindsay masih mencoba bertanya dengan kepala dingin.

Jack gusar, ia baru saja sampai rumah dari latihan basket regulernya. Kepalanya sedang panas dan tidak siap bicara apapun soal foto itu. Seingatnya ia hanya diajak bersenang-senang oleh teman klub, lalu datang penari telanjang dan kontan semua kamera paparazzi di sekitar klub malam itu beraksi sesuai instingnya masing-masing.

"Well, boys night out. What do you expect from that? A priest? A coach? Referee? It was a dark celebration where drinks and girls are around. I did nothing, you should take a look deeper here" Jack memaksakan matanya memincing ke foto ciuman itu dan mengajak Lindsay melihat sudut pandangnya bahwa ciuman itu adalah curian dari sang penari.
"I see...a guys both are kissing, not like someone is stealing from someone else. You can't fool me, Jack" Lindsay bicara sambil menatap foto itu dalam-dalam.
"Babe, come on, we were talking on the phone at that time. I told you my battery dropped and I'd be late. Remember?" Jack menjentikkan jarinya di telinga lalu mengusap kepala belakang Lindsay.
"Okay, I'm sorry. I should've trust you" mereka berpelukan
"Thank you, that means a lot within this crazy fame and popularity." Jack memeluk erat Lindsay.

"I will never let any lying prostitute destroy us" Lindsay tersenyum di pelukan Jack
"Don't let anyone step on our life and take us for their own charity" Jack meneruskan ucapan Lindsay.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

one step at a time (part 2)

"for god sake I saved his ass twice, Vin! What was he thinking?" Bella sesenggukan bercerita ke Vin. Vin yang dengar cerita Bella cuma diam sesekali mengusap punggung Bella.
"I think he just need some time, give it a break"
"Vin, if I let him go, who'd do my guarding class and my written assessment? I could always rely on him about that, and now he's prosecuting me like this."
"Bella, be true. what do you expect from a person like him? he's just been too insecure dating a person like you"
"I think it is normal, I'm afraid of losing him too"
"so what do you want?"
"I don't know, I just want him around"

peluit keras berbunyi panjang. Bella dan Vin merapikan seragam dan bergegas lari ke lapangan untuk fisik mental selanjutnya.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

one step at a time

"What? What if it were his girlfriend? Would you do the same?" Gua shock sekali denger Andrea ngucapin belasungkawa ke mantan cowoknya yang baru ditinggal adiknya meninggal karena kecelakaan. Andrea memang agak labil, gua udah sering ingetin untuk ga usah masuk-masuk lagi ke kehidupan laki-laki yang udah merusak hidupnya. Andrea diam, tiba-tiba Bella lewat. Gua tarik tangannya dan dia agak tersentak.

"I wanna break up with you" tanpa basa basi gua sapa dia
"What? Why?" Andrea melihat kiri-kanannya memastikan suara gua nggak terlalu keras
"You disrespect me" tiga kata simpel yang mewakili semua rasa geram gua
"Wow! What?"
"You don't have to be my girlfriend to get me help you, you know that"
"What are you talking about Rick?"
"Last week, you took my swimming kit and didn't give it back, or at least let me know you've used it"
"I thought we've talked about this"
"Yesterday, you got my safety gear and left me on the right side of the broken wing" otak gua memutar kembali simulasi terbang kemarin sore di atas barrack komando.
"I apologised for that, Rick"
"No, let's just break up. You disrespect me. You call me when you need me, you whine and you moan. The minutes after, you didn't even notice me in the backyard's training. Do I have to put a 'your boyfriend' label on my forehead each time I see you?"
"Rick, I slipped into your dorm that night, you haven't over it, though"
"Yea, you can sleep with anyone you like and act like nothing happen, but not with your boyfriend. You act like you don't even know me" gua liat keningnya berkerut agak kesal
"Rick, I'm not a PDA property. If you want me to cuddle around with you in public, you're just wrong"
"I'm not talking about that, you know what I mean, at least take a look at me when you shoot a bullet thru my head" gua mengingatkan lagi ke dia tentang pesta pengangkatan ayahnya jadi jendral di batalyon kami.
"I was hanging around with so many people and friends, what did you expect from me? Talking to you all night long and ignore the guests? Come on Rick"
"Bella, this is ridiculous. You can't always find an excuse to abandon me."
"No, Rick, you're ridiculous"
"Yeah, let's break up, let's be just friends"

Gua berpaling berbarengan dengan suara peluit dari lapangan bawah memanggil kami untuk apel siang. Gua lari dari kantin menyiapkan diri untuk pelatihan militer selanjutnya. Ujian fisik dan mental yang jauh lebih ringan daripada beban hati dan sosial dari perempuan seperti Bella.

Monday, 8 August 2011

what does?

kemarin saya ketemu dengan teman saya di taman sekolah. dia tanya kenapa saya nggak jualan donat lagi di taman itu, padahal kalo bulan puasa, omzet bisa naik gila-gilaan. saya bilang saya nggak tertarik lagi dengan donat.

"it has been part of your life since you were a kid"
"i know, i just don't see it that interesting anymore. it has no sense of art"
"what do you mean"
"this is what i called unreasonable sudden stop. i just stop liking it"
"that doesn't make sense"
"nothing in this world does"
"anyway, are you going to start a new business?"
"i'm planning to set up another food stall, i just haven't thought of what would it be"
"what about ice cream?"
"thanks, i'll put that on my list"
"i don't see you bring your pen to note down"
"no, i don't take notes literally. if it's important, i'll remember it"
"whatever. good luck. i gotta go"
"see you around"

saya liat dia pergi, lalu saya terjebak lagi dalam pikiran dan pertanyaan yang sama: kenapa seseorang bisa tiba-tiba tidak menyukai sesuatu? hormonal? kontekstual? logical? random.

lalu saya berpikir, bagaimana kalo suatu hari saya tidak lagi menganggap tidur atau makan adalah suatu yang menarik untuk dilakukan? will i stop? random.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011


fiksi adalah

saat dimana seorang individu mereplika tuhan menciptakan karakter dan menuliskan garis takdirnya
saat dimana seorang manusia mencerminkan hati dan pikirannya
saat dimana seorang anak menuliskan rasa rindunya terhadap ketiadaan
saat dimana kenyataan terhenti sebentar, tergantikan oleh khayalan
saat dimana dunia tidak berbentuk bulat, hanya setengah lingkaran
saat dimana sebuah tulisan memiliki begitu banyak makna
saat dimana pembaca menikmati dengan caranya sendiri
saat dimana ada kata yang dibiarkan tak terucap
saat dimana saya bicara, apa yang saya enggan tulis
saat dimana saya menulis, apa yang saya enggan bicarakan.

Monday, 1 August 2011

me and you, and everyone we know

the sound of camera flash were blinding my eyes. As I walked through the red carpet, suddenly a voice called me "Patricia, Patricia!! it's Christo, your table-mate in high-school!" I stopped and reassure that voice is really Christo. "Damn you, pencil boy! where have you been?" I saw him smiling heedlessly beyond big cameras and other journalists around him, "give me your card, I'll call you, Christ" he handed me his card and I slipped away into the award venue.

"Christo Julien" I heard him answering my call to his cell. I invited him to a lunch in the Scenario and prohibit him bringing his recorder and camera. I am so grateful to see him finally.
"So, how's journalism feed your weed habit?" I ordered salmon steak for lunch
"I see everything as bright as I have imagined. I've been trying to call out your name in every event. And surely journalism don't bring me trophy as yours" he mocked me, as always.
"I want you to listen to me, and as my friend, keep this one as our secret. will you?"
"go ahead, you know me"
"I fucked with the director, but I didn't get the role. I was so burnt" I whispered a bit
"Whoa!! you sure don't want me to write this?" he put down his steak knife right after I told him so
"Keep your voice down! Do you happen to know that our lunch has already been reported to online news, by now?" I realised paparazzi were taking our pictures from the second floor of the restaurant
"Pat, you never fucked anyone before to get a role?"
"For Christ's sake! is that really a question? the only person I've been fucked with since high school was you" I frowned and glared at him.
"Pat, don't pull out that thing again, I know you. You just haven't changed, yet" he sipped his wine, and we continued talking about the other things.

"Pat, you really have to consult with me first before seeing anyone..." Helga woke me up with a magazine smash on my head "....or any journalists!!"
"this must be Christo, huh?" I swept the make up leftover in my eyes, "how much drink we had last night?"
"and you were drunk with him??" Helga enlarged her eyes and looked deeper to me.
"us, me and you, Hel, for God's sake. What's gotten in you?" I got up and drink myself a huge glass of water.
"it was YOU who drank a lot! and now, look at what this stupid journalists has written about you!" She re-threw the magazine and I refused to even look at it.
"Fine, Princess" she started to read out the story, "Patricia Bangalores, 26, admitted she is a virgin. An award winning actress, Pat, recalled herself never gone to any wild party and ended up even hooking up with anyone....................." I laughed as she continue reading.

"asshole!" I laughed as I hear Christo picked up the phone. I always love how he makes money out from someone's life. Now, my personal life. We talked a lot that night, ended up hooking up in my secret villa near the beach. I really had no idea what he might write the next day to confirm paparazzi's flash tonight. I think I'll just wait and see what will happen the next day after that jug of coffee.