Thursday, 10 May 2012

Payphone - Maroon 5

Here I am standing in the crowd of Heathrow Airport. Waiting for the next flight home. Why? I have been asking the same why. I arrived here a week ago, and now I am leaving. We broke up three years ago, nothing left but this ticket to London for a week with you. I was spending a week in London without you when I realised that all fairytales are bullshit. If happy ending ever after did exist, I would still be holding you like this.

"Excuse me, do you have any small change? I need to make a call, an important one", that person shook his head, he was too busy with his iPad to listen to what I said.

Here I am standing in the crowd of the busiest airport in England, not because I am still having a feeling that struck me three years ago when we broke up, but because we promised to spend a week in London. I just don't know if that promise corresponded our togetherness. And now I'm running out of my change to call you, I cannot call home anymore. Why? I have been asking the same why to myself, to this blue suitcase with our sketch on it. But now one more love song then I'll be totally fucked up.

"Mom, this is me calling from Heathrow, I won't be directly home from here tomorrow, please don't pick me up and reply my email instead" I hopelessly left another message in my mom's voice mail, she's been out of reach because of the timezone.

Here I am standing in the crowd of the capital city's airport. Waiting for the next flight, not home. I'm just running out of time, running out of change, running out of energy to digest happiness and running out of the sight to describe what I want. Where were the plans we made for two?

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