Tuesday, 5 July 2011


She was sleeping in the huge couch in the castle. Greg has known her secret power: teleport. He watches her in fear, just in case she suddenly disappear to the dangerous circuit of car race. Last week, he remembered she was trapped in the backyard forest of their castle. She teleported herself there. Since then, he set up hidden cameras and security guard all over the neighbourhood. Last night, he finished set up additional cameras in the city border.

"Your majesty, breakfast?"
Sopran only received a head-shake from Greg. He's not in the mood to eat. He keeps his eye on her all the time.
He looks deeply and suddenly he knows that she is having a sight in her sleep. Greg started to worry.

"Greg!" She opens her eyes as she called him.
"What happened?" Greg approach her.
"I saw a fire!!!" She screams in panic. Runs out of the room, through the hallway, she's running all over the front yard and going off the castle.
Greg is after her, yet he's ordering in a gasp of breathe to the knights and soldiers, to guards and all the ministers.

"Princess has gone mad, please set your position. She's moving out of the castle" one of the guard shouts in a tower. Greg remembered his cameras and he stops to shout "I want all cctv, sights and vision in the town. I need to know where she's heading to"

In a moment, Greg's already sitting in a chair, with hundreds of camera vision around him. He catches her running out of the village border, heading to the cliff. He's panic looking at her running erratically. She arrives at the edge of the cliff, in count of 5, she jumped of to the sea.
Then disappeared. She teleported.


Helikopterku mati total, ketinggian puluhan ribu kaki di atas kobaran api yang membakar sepasang pesawat perang yang awaknya akan kuselamatkan. Sekarang aku tau, diriku sendirilah yang harus menyelamatkan diri. Baju orangeku terasa sesak dan aba-aba otomatis di dalam kabin sudah terputus sinyalnya dari pusat markas operasi. Aku berdoa dalam hati sambil memutar otak bagaimana akan melompat kebawah tanpa terbakar.

Api berkobar dibawahku membentuk lingkaran, terukur mencapai diameter 100 meter, tingginya mencapai ratusan kaki. Tidak heran, karena dua pesawat perang yang terbakar di bawah sana adalah peranakan black hawk dengan beberapa modifikasi mesin. Aku sendiri kurang yakin bagaimana caranya menghindari wilayah kobaran tersebut dengan parasut seadanya.

Jarakku tinggal beberapa kilo dari kobaran api, helikopterku sudah kehilangan dayanya untuk melawan gaya gravitasi bumi. Tiba-tiba seorang wanita berambut merah muncul di sebelahku. Ia menatapku dengan matanya yang basah dan aku benar-benar tidak ada waktu lagi untuk menjelaskan halusinasiku.

Namun lalu ia bersuara "who are you? What's your name? What are you doing?"
Aku sadar ini bukan halusinasi, "I'm a newbie, actually an expert in nuclear technology and I study molecular biology. I can save myself back then, but now you're here and I have to save you too, which is hard to do"
Berharap ia menangkap lawakanku dan segera pergi, ia ternyata bukan malaikat yang dikirim Tuhan untuk mencabut nyawaku.
"We have to go" dia menjawab, "of course, lady, you don't want your hair to get even hotter than now" hatiku membatin refleks dan ia melompat ke pelukanku.

Ia menghadap ke arahku dan duduk memelukku. Aku hanya membelalak sambil terus diam, mencoba konsentrasi pada panas api yang mulai terasa di luar helikopter.
"Do you know a technology called....teleport?" Ia berbisik di telinga kananku, aku melirik ke arah rambutnya yang merah dan menjawab dalam hati,"it is NOT a technology, miss"
"I went here by teleporting....I saw you" kali ini aku bertanya "you're gonna teleport now to send me to heaven or hell?"
Ia diam, akupun diam. Apakah bercandaku menyakiti hatinya sebagai utusan Tuhan? Atau ini cara Tuhan mencabut nyawaku? Ah, paling tidak ia cantik. Aku menghibur diri sendiri.

Setelah api membakar ekor helikopter, aku merasakan degup jantungnya di dadaku, berdegup keras sekali. Lalu tanganku menggapai punggungnya sambil menghibur "I can bring you also, this parachute will help us" hatiku tertawa mendengar omonganku yang tidak masuk akal. Aku hanya seorang penerbang junior yang dikirim untuk meneliti radiasi dan reaksi senjata nuklir yang tertanam di sebuah kapal perang. Kini aku adalah seorang ilmuwan nuklir yang terjebak dalam helikopter maut bersama seorang wanita cantik.

"I have to teleport, but where? To the castle or.." Ia nampak serius berpikir. Aku mulai kehilangan akal sehatku dan memilih untuk percaya padanya tentang teleport.
"Anywhere beautiful, I believe. Come on, you have to cast the spell" aku merasakan pelukannya semakin kuat, mungkin ia memejamkan matanya. Lalu tiba-tiba gelap.
Masih terdengar olehku suara gemeretak api membakar kaki helikopter, namun panasnya tidak terasa.

Aku memejamkan mata, membukanya lagi. Gelap.


"Greg!!" She jumped off the bed and grabbed Greg's arm.
"It's okay, you are fine. He's fine. You made it. You saved him" Greg tries to put a smile and hug her tightly.

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