Tuesday, 17 August 2021

76 is just a number.

I am getting more and more sceptical about so many things, including my country. Despite the fact that I love my country so much, I feel like the home-works are getting more and more redundant and hopeless. I don't wanna talk about the government, it'd include too much narrative on politics and cruelty.

Let's talk about the people. 80 percent of the population owns cellphone and connected to 24hrs internet access. We are supposed to be the agent of change, agent of peace, agent of whatever it is that make us more human by utilising the technology that surrounds us. Again, it's the matter of the morality. How much schools aren't teaching us to be human, schools teaching us to be 'the fittest' or let's just say, 'the fettish'.

We compete, consciously and subconsciously with ourselves, our friends and relatives, our community, even our common goals. We contradict our goals every day, we create a new wall between each other and call it 'boundary', some call it 'privacy', some call it 'principle'. Whatever you call it. It's the same wall we build every day, how silly.

If one can study deeper and more about how society in this country have changed a lot in the past decades, they'd reflect how MUCH THEY PLAY THE ROLE to make us who we are today;

plastic waste,

gender equality,

better education,

transparent governance,

religious practices,

human rights,

employability of the youth.

Oh, one more thing; the pandemic. I hate to put that term here, that'd include my blog in the algorithm of internet content with the hot words. That would I'm participating in global madness about how this virus progressively force us to face the new world and new system. The world and the system we are never ready for, the system we will never be ready for. It has split us into individuals with our own walls: boundary, privacy and principle. It has split us and show the other side of us.

Sadly, my country has participated in an mountable part of that virus effect. 

Just look at how media conglomerates take over my Google search engine and become the first one to appear, as if the are the true ones. As if they are the most balanced, as if they are the most representative of the people. As if they are the real watchdog for better society and better nation. It's sad.

It's sad that the most useful tool of fighting the pandemic is mass media. It's sad that the distinction between THE PEOPLE and THE MEDIA are now blurred by THE ONE WHO HAS MONEY.

It's sad to say that 76 is just a number.

Get well soon, Indonesia.

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