The Power of Love
There are things crossed my mind about how love should really work for us:
1.Forgiving. The sense of forgiving is necessary. We find it harder to forgive rather than to say sorry. Kita kadang terlalu menuntut, termasuk menuntut untuk dimaafkan. Gue salalu berpikir bahwa ketika kita sulit memaafkan orang lain, maka jangan berharap kesalahan kita akan dengan mudah dimaafkan orang lain.
Sering gue bilang ke orang—orang yang gue sayang,”I’ve forgave you even before you mae mistake” Whew, what a good spund of forgiving. Namun terkadang kita lupa kata-kata titu dan malah sering kali mengungkit salah (yg sudah kita maafkan). See, being forgivefull harus tulus, nggak cuma di bibir aja.
Kesalahan jaraknya sangat dekat dengan manusia, we do mistakes all the time. Even when we do the right thing, we still do the wrong side of a right thing. Hmm? Complicated, isn’t it? That”s why, in a relationship, we should really have that forgiving mind all the time, because remember, you MAY make mistake, then why should bother to forgive?
2.Accepting (and understanding). This is the loudest one that I heard lately. Take what your partner has, the minuses and the pluses. Easy words to say, hard thing to do. You need to understand first before you accept something. I mean, come on, who would eagerly sacrifice their main principal about something just because of people THEY LOVE so much? We do that, often, very often. Sadly, we don’t realize it until our partners make mistake and make us really angry. Go back to the forgiving!!
Without the sense of accepting, there are ALWAYS differences and they might cause us problems (and fights). Whether you like it or not, you don’t realize that you have sacrificed much even you accept things you don’t usually accept. It’s funny to think about what you’ve given up for love. But do you SEE THAT SOMEONE MIGHT HAVE SARIFICED SOMETHING TOO FOR YOU?
That’s what I call accepting, take and give. Just be fair to what you give and what you got. Do you understand?
3.Trust. It is something that we cannot make because it comes from our own hearts. Guess what? Almost every day, we try so hard to build trust to anything. It’s like believing something in your brain and in your heart. Bahkan ketika suatu hal terjadi, lo bisa aja menolak untuk mempercayainya. Collin Farrell calls this “nothing is what it seems”, it’s why you should be honest to your own feeling. Yes, self-trust is the most important thing in every aspect.
In a relationship? Holly yes! You cannot trust people without trusting yourself. Can you imagine how hard it is to explain something to your partner and he/she would not believe it? Very hard that you are allowed to think that she/he hasn’t even has trust for her/him self. Again, funny! Really! We want to be heard, but it is so hard for us to hear what people say.
So, trust in this stage is started with TRUST YOURSELF and your own feeling, so that people will see your seriousness from what you’ve showed (not what you said).
4.Respect. Generally, this is a basic attitude of making a relationship, even before you know someone. It becomes more specific when you’re in a relationship, especially when you are the typical person who loves to love someone apa adanya. Lo jadi sering mengabaikan bahwa dia juga manusia yang harus lo hargai. The matter of casuality brings us less respect to the person we are close to. Meremehkan bisa jadi bukan suatu hal yang jahat, dia kekasih kita toh?
No way!! Even when you guys have shared the same blood, respect is still important. Start with giving little compliments and show that you adore (and admire) your partner. Not much of it will really make your relationship more neat and respectful. Appreciate what your partner has done for and to you (bahkan ketika dia gagal atau salah) hihi. This happens usually to new couples, but again, the power of respect can erase all failure that done by anyone.
5.Availability. Someone might kick me in the head after reading this section. Well, to be fair (and neutral), I still have to write this down. Being available always related with status. No, no, no! I am not talking about “are you single?” or “are you mine?” This is actually the availability of someone for someone else in another meaning. Mind. Time.
More than friendship (not bestfriend-ship), you have the responsibility to be available for your lover. Yea, like all wedding vows said “together for better or worse” NO!! This is more than being together. It’s more like being available, being there for each other.
Things like “out of reach”, “business” and “second sight” might come along the way; this is why the five powers should work together. I don’t think it’s necessary to explain more about availability. But the main point is: BEING AVAILABLE is better than BEING OWNED (but not able to be available).
Have a great love!!
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