Saturday, 18 October 2008

Big Fish in a Small Pond

When I first heard my phone rang today, I heard my boo's voice. What a great deal! He really does call me before the sun kiss my forehead. Eventhough it was just a 10 minutes call. haha.
*Bego lu car!!

Today was like an amazing race. Visited the hood, gone up in net and ate full-profile of Beatles. Hihi.. I wish this weeken could be as wonderful as yesterday. I was like engaged? No way!!

All the sounds of theatre audition bang on my head. Asking and beckoning softly to farer world that I haven't even notice in my life. Being asked or being needed? Or acted like so important?
*taik lo nyong! Jelas2 aktinglo bagus!

Let's play with all soft things in this world, nothing world. haha..

*see you tomorrow, never.

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