Sunday 18 October 2009

after i finished doing mistake and feel sorry without even seriously regret anything

i insult people mostly because i want to.
funny cause people in their alto,
without thinking who to be mad to,
they are just doing what to do..
which is to insult back

feels great to mock people then say sorry at the end.
don't ask what for, cause you hate some people without no clear reason.
then now why would i have to find one?
i just do it cause i feel like i like it.

for you guys there,
watch out, cause sweet causes illness
and silliness causes nothingness.
nothingness erases all your pluses.

no matter who you are,
as long as you don't hate my boyfriend neither get close to him,
you'll be easily happy.
bye bye acne and dandruff..
fvck you!

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